
Joined Apr 26, 2018

I am a meat popsicle.

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2064d · Memo Suggestions
When you click the reply button, it should put focus in the reply textarea right away. Also, I like Ctrl-Enter to submit. I'm a keyboard guy.
Wanted to donate to I use their free service & want it to survive. They only accept min of $10 and they say for bitcoin (only BTC) it must be $1,000. Prolly cuz of fees. Sounds like they don't get it.
2070d · Memo Suggestions
When viewing a post in modal, need a quick way to jump to top post of tree.
2070d · Memo Suggestions
Still really want a way to make longer posts, probably by overloading self-replies. Course there are issues with people replying to posts in the middle of that chain.
2071d · BCH Speculation
What's gonna happen night of Nov 6 when US has Congressional Midterm elections? If Democrats eke out control of House or Senate or Both, will stocks drop? Will BCH go up as hedge?
Can everyone stop using a "gold token with a ₿" on it graphic when talking about cryptocurrencies? It gives the populace an idea that there is some physical representation of them & just confuses the matter.
2071d · BCH Speculation
2072d · BCH Speculation
Adoption and pricing in BCH directly, not $ then when you pay spot price conversion to BCH. Requires more stability though unfortunately, which is a chicken and egg problem.
Iran's President Rouhani says the US has a "Nazi Disposition". Since Iran denies the Holocaust happened, what exactly is bad about the Nazi's in their eyes?
2083d · Gold
You can't eat gold, and the people saying it is worth more than fiat are selling it in exchange for fiat, which seems against their claims. When fiat collapses, why would people value gold?
2083d · Gold
Hey, what do people here think about investing in gold? Always kinda thought it was crackpot, but recently have been creeping towards it might be a good diversification. Thoughts?
Wanted to make observations about current US election politics on Reddit. Realized any sub it wouldn't "fit" & prob be removed. r/Libertarian'd allow, but would complain "not Libertarian". Memo is where is the place!
2085d · Memo Suggestions
If you put a hash on the URL when the replies modal opens then the back button could be used to close modal. I keep hitting back but end up in another page.
Why is there press fawning over McCain now when in 2008 they considered him an idiot? And does noone remember his "Bomb bomb Iran" song?
2108d · Memo Suggestions
Unsure about the new "reply" button. It shows # replies already. I expect if I click, to see them, but I get my own comment entry. How to see them? Oh, click on timestamp @ top of post.
2119d · memo
Well, BCHNWO posted a few memos. Guess they are just quiet.
2119d · memo
I've noticed the BCHNWO acct likes really old memos of mine sometimes. They only seem to like memos never say anything. Kinda weird & not sure how it runs across old memos. Bot?
Anachronism: When they no longer require you to turn off all signals on planes, people will wonder why that is called "Airplane Mode" & has an airplane icon. Similar to the floppy disk icon for saving.
2120d · Programming
Prediction: The AI that takes over the world & destroys humanity will be accidentally created while trying to write a regex to extract valid URLs.
2121d · BCH Speculation
2121d · BCH Speculation
You know what time it is?
2122d · Directions of evolution
Even though it is unlikely, because space is so vast, it is bound to happen *somewhere*. We are simply experiencing observer bias.
2122d · Directions of evolution
It's a tempest of order, in a teapot of entropy. Locally it seems like it has a goal, but it's just the rare occurrence against the odds.
2122d · Directions of evolution
The molecules that randomly arranged themselves in a way that promoted their copying, increased in number. Some didn't, but that's the normal order of things to do nothing.