
Joined Apr 12, 2018

Co-founder Timelapse photographer. reddit: eric_memo

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2474d · test
Remote control to change the station / But that won't change your situation
2463d · Ideas to improve our lives
2474d · test
Remote control to change the station / But that won't change your situation
2474d · test
Remote control to change the station / But that won't change your situation
2463d · test
2463d · test
2463d · Photography
Art: A staged piece I created a while ago with an interpretation of the crypto world. You may define the characters to suit your own beliefs or understandings.
replied 2464d
If you are from BitTorrent world join our small #WebTorrent topic where we discuss the possible integration of WT for media handling
created poll 2464d
Should the Bitcoin Cash blockchain be used to permanently publish/index .torrent file metadata?
Yes 35 votes · 32,925 satoshis
No 0 votes · 0 satoshis


2463d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
thanks for following me, I hope we build a good community! few words about me, I'm from Sicily and I'm living in Korea where I do international trade for Italian food.
followed 2463d
Just testing to see if i can post a image (if so, i'll be starting to post self made bch cartoons

followed 2463d
replied 2492d
Look at my new profile pic BCHes!
Ok everyone I just bought some BCH so be prepared for a dip in the next 24 hours if not sooner.
Spendl A Bit
2463d · memo
the site is running a lot faster/smoother sinve the update. good work guys
2463d · Memo Suggestions
I think the first post should show up as the description with a Topic. It's tedious to scroll all the way to the top to see what the very first post was. Have it like right under the title
followed topic OpenBazaar Feedback? 2463d
2463d · OpenBazaar Feedback?
I just bought a comic book on OpenBazaar2. Load times can be slow and I'm running into some dead links while browsing, but the purchase succeeded!
2463d · Photography
By the Beach - Port Macquarie NSW Australia -
Memo looking better and better by the day!
followed 2463d
2463d · Memo Suggestions
@Joannes They aren't unique, but we have a plan! The @ chooser needs to work well enough that you can efficiently choose the right person. From there, we can know a unique ID.