MEMO Token

Joined Mar 13, 2019

MEMO Token for memo users
Limited edition
There are only 1000 tokens

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2105d · memo
Beta token support has been added. Use at your own risk. Please report any bugs :)
replied 2165d
Thanks! I sent you some MGTOW. Man this is fun.
replied 2180d
Id LOVE Memo tokens,hope Im not2late simpleledger:qzlycgpk2kym38d9pt6gwz2wvd7p405t5yf73ts6jc comment UR SLP addy&I'll give you an XV token(there are 15,redeemable for a custom QR code)
2183d · memo
Some pretty significant online communities have been censored from mainstream sites. How does memo feel about trying to bring some of the communities here? some are highly NSFW / NSFL?
replied 2183d
I promote spending as I go out of my way to spend. But I also save. Speculation tho is the least exciting thing going on in the space tho. 🕶️