
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Bitcoin.

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The thought of Metanet makes me want to salivate. It will revolutionize the whole internet and world. #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV

followed 2283d
@chrispacia and pals, live in fantasy island were illegal usage is someone's "freedom" to chose. Did he forget what happened to GreenZap and Liberty Dollars? #BitcoinSV
2286d · Goodbye Steemit
steemit had issues with BTC goons mass downvoting to hide BCH articles and such. There is better options out there for blogging.
ScanPay for Point of Sale Merchants
ChatPay is a social messaging and payment system

Released by Centbee
Yeah if ABC didn't cheat with 10 minute checkpoints. If someone screwed me out a fair battle and break oaths/promises.

2288d · Ed
WormHoleCash is nothing more then monopoly money IPO/ICO speculative stuff.
2288d · Ed
Roger has officially stopped supporting Bitcoin system, he now supports Jihan's Wormhole Cash. Fuck both of them.
replied 2290d
He's a really rich so mining at loss is pocket change to him. SEC was/is investigating ETH and XRP, google it.
replied 2290d
CSW warned of SEC coming after PoS XRP-like coins for being "registered securities" due to IPO/ICO like nature of the protocol.
set profile 2290d
SV is original WP-following Bitcoin. BTC and BCH are FrankenCoins. Screw Segwit + LN too.
The longer things go on, the more ABC Coin appears to be a FrankenCoin just like a less screwed up BTC. Soy Boy Coin has evolved from Bitcoin into something else. CSW and Reina warned of PoS switch, no one listened :(
Does Calvin Ayre look more like Guy Fieri or James Hetfield?

#BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHpls #nChain #CoinGeek #BitcoinSV #BitcoincashSV #Crypto #altcoins #BitcoinABC

replied 2294d
You mean like the Segwit-esque Mal-Fix in AmauryBitmainCoin's ACTUAL roadmap? Christ some people huh?
replied 2294d
Plan B: CockBlockstream plants moles on SV dev team then sneaks in exploits and Segwit.
replied 2294d
Amaury is a CockBlockstream plant.

2299d · Refute or Support ABC
Not sure, CSW keeps saying ABC was adding anonymity into ABC version. But then again he's a liar.
2299d · Refute or Support ABC
nice place to start discussions about ABC's technical stuff.
2299d · Refute or Support ABC
Greg MiniWell is great pals with nChain Guys.
Now ill-Liquid Bitcoin (SCAM-BTC) is live traders can easy use our Federated Blockchain that works with regular BTC Blockchain. Segshit for the Win!

- Adam Gone, CEO of CockBlockStream

#BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHPLS