
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Bitcoin.

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2278d · Bitcoin Cash
2279d · Bitcoin Cash
ABC down -10% $125; BSV up +4% $90. Markets love Satoshis plan
replied 2279d
That's right no or low taxes so you live in crime ridden Banana Republic like Honduras. Loonytarians don't get it, LOL
@iru 🐸

Thanks for tip. Back to driving the BCH Loonytarians bonkers :)
When is Roger Vermin's Loonytarian Country forming? Can't wait to see you knuckleheads contained within one Banana Republic ran by the most violent gun welding rednecks.

#BitcoinCash #BitcoinSV #ChooseSV #BSV
replied 2279d
Half the CSW haters there are fake BCH supports that are really Blockstream minions
Forra is pretty laid back. Can sell whatever, just no illegal stuff and no con artist nonsense. Better syndicate than using Phore Marketplace or OpenBazaar (unless you do VPS Hosting).
Forra IO is a suitable alternative to using OpenBazaar. Instead of p2p IPFS, Forra is a centralized website with 24/7 up-time. Think of it as a crypto ebay.
2279d · Bitcoin SV
The BCH Boys interview with Dr, Craig Wright regarding #Metanet. #BitcoinSV #BSV #WeChooseSV #ChooseSV #nChain #CoinGeek

Read up Communist Manafesto (for FREE) for political philosophy purposes:

#Communism #Communist #USSR #Soviet #Politics
Anyone on SV side want to chip in a small amount of Satoshis my way so I can keep pissing Roger Ver Minions off? Otherwise I'm broke for a few days until I travel to a Bitcoin ATM. #BitcoinSV #BSV #nChain #CoinGeek
2281d · Ed
Bit of actual TRUTH about Capitalism (and what Marxism is about) since hardly anyone understands it
2280d · Bitcoin Cash
r/btc is a soyboy, blockstream psyop, trolling cesspool. Just use another subreddit not dominated by morons.
2280d · Bitcoin Cash
Soyboys making false Twitter reports, just open a Twitter appeal ticket.
replied 2283d
Its same shit that happened with Bitcoin in BTC, it got hijacked and turned into something different while maintaining the same label. Books have propaganda and lies in them also.
followed 2283d
replied 2283d
Yet he is still human. When Jimmy talked about his family, I saw what drives this man. In the end we all aren't so different. That said: he is doing hell of a job. Let us respect that.
Haters are just mad CSW showed up and upset the apple cart. Powerful people in BCH don't want to loose peachy spots. Easier to oust CSW then him win hash war and oust them. Pump N Dump party is over soon. #BitcoinSV
CSW is a larger then life character. He's got balls of steel and gives no fucks. Anti Craig Cult has nothing on him. institutional money and Metanet, checkmate haters! #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV
ABC/BU and friends can keep mental masturbating about Bitcoin Protocol changes. While planning for next 3 years. #nChain is planning Metanet and for the next ~ 20 years. #BitcoinSV #ChooseSV #BSV