
Joined Nov 14, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is Bitcoin.

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2273d · Bitcoin SV
Don't be an ABC pawn like CryptoShoppe was, and get thrown away like a used side of meat.
2273d · Bitcoin SV
2273d · Bitcoin SV
ABC Circle Jerk
2273d · Bitcoin SV
2273d · Bitcoin SV
2273d · Bitcoin SV
Make Bitcoin Stable Again, Kick those criminal LoonyTunes down the Wormhole.
2273d · Bitcoin SV
He's like Trump with brains like Steven Hawkings.
2273d · Bitcoin SV
I love that CSW guy (not in a creepy way), puts those soyboys in there places.
2275d · Minarchism
Don't know Minarchism works, but the cons of Statism in mainly Politicians and wars.
2275d · Minarchism
Wouldn't having just police and judicial system be the sweet spot? only sales tax to pay their wages, no income tax.
2275d · Minarchism
Debate here. Why the hell is everyone in Bitcoin a AnCap or Statist? Anyone lean to Minarchy side?
replied 2276d
So since AnCap crypto revolution didn't come after 9 years and gov could turn on BSV. Are you now telling me crypto/Bitcoin is waste and should go back to Fiat/PayPal/MasterCard?
replied 2276d
Since BSV and gov could become enemies and AnCap coins not going anywhere, does that mean we are stuck using PayPal, Fiat and MasterCard?
Jihan Wu sure fucked that sentence up. #BitcoinCash #BCH #BCHpls

BSV becoming own coin was a good thing, now the anti-government wackos can focus on ABC Coin and that Ponzi Scheme called BTC. #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV #WeChooseSV #nChain
2277d · Bitcoin Cash
AnCaps had nearly a decade to make Bitcoin Sound Money, it's our turn to try.
2277d · Bitcoin Cash
replied 2277d
You do realize countries such as Japan are outlawing Stealth Crypto Currencies?
replied 2277d
Bitcoin was spearheaded mainly by Loonytarian's they had nearly a decade to make it sound money, they failed.

replied 2277d
Nope, Loonytarians don't get it but CSW does:

2277d · Favorite Quotes
People were warned about WormHoleCash being a scam, yet the Loonytarians continue to burn BCH. That's right suckers 1 BCH for 100 WHC is a fraud scheme. DYOR!

2277d · Bitcoin Cash
FakeBitcoin Speculator Stocks (BCH).