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saved 184d
Thank you, I'm working on some new content but I'm very slooowww.
saved 184d
IP is not the same thing is a contract, as discussed above. Libertarians believe in contracts.
saved 184d
It's lovely!
saved 184d
saved 201d
saved 201d
Right, I think you can say that it's costly but in a pretty ambiguous way. What is the true cost of holding BSV? Not an easy question because it involves predicting the market. If BSV is going down it's a big cost and if it's going up then it's not much of a cost. With POW we simply have usable energy that's provably converted into heat.
saved 201d
Also, as to your question on bitcoin evangelism, you should look into pick up artistry and the red pill. People try to be bitcoin evangelists the same way that people simp to get girlfriends. As we know, the only honest signal of fitness is a handicap. That is why you have to use confidence and negging to get girls and that is why girls have to grow breasts to get guys. These are handicaps. Getting people into Bitcoin is like a marriage proposal because we want them to join a new economy with us and work on it the rest of their lives. The economy needs to show that it is fit, the person who wants to be an evangelist needs to show that he is fit. He does that with a handicap, such as proof-of-work.
saved 201d
Hi, thank you for your question. I designed a protocol a while ago called Boost POW that allows people to buy proof of work. I think that is much better than locking. Locking is more like something for people who want to avoid pain but in order to use a costly signal you need to be willing to desire pain in order to achieve certain good things. The use case of a costly signal is to draw other peoples' attention to important information. We have a big problem with people getting more attention than they deserve. This is a problem with the world in general and it is a consequence of the way we communicate. Using a costly signal, people who are not famous can easily compete for attention with people who are already famous. This is the key to getting information out rapidly. Right now everything that spreads to many people must go through some famous person or well-connected organization. This is very good for talking about how to grow the economy without being diverted by nonsense ...
saved 205d
You paid him for his time because he can't be in 2 places at once. If he could be in 100 places at once, you would pay a lot less for his supervision. A book can be in an infinite number of places at once. It does not cost the author anything if another copy of his book exists.
saved 227d
No, I do not. You could not design a contract that you could use to replace a patent because patents are registered publically. Someone who would have infringed on the patent would not have signed any contract. Also, if the text of a book gets out by whatever means, someone who distributes it didn't necessarily sign any contract promising not to. The only one you could sue would be the one who originally uploaded the book.
saved 234d
Yes but a house actually is a capital good (or can be used as one). The cost of accessing a document i is the cost of transmitting it over the network, and that's very different from a house since you can increase your network bandwidth relatively easily. That's what people would actually be paying for if the service was good.
saved 234d
If only they all had memes like yours.
saved 234d
saved 235d
Sure, libertarians believe in voluntary contracts.
saved 235d
SUPER big news!! Meet the Feebles has been restored and released for FREE online. The new format is so good it's like I can actually see the movie, which makes it vastly more disgusting and gross!!!
saved 235d
Yeah it's a horror scenario.
saved 235d
saved 237d
http://www.dklevine.com/general/intellectual/againstfinal.htm "Against Intellectual Monopoly" please read it. Yes you should be able to print your own edition of any book.
saved 241d
For the Bronys out there, someone made a PMV of "Student of Celestia". Finally!
saved 243d
saved 245d
Ok thanks very much!
saved 246d
Images and videos should be good quality. Copyright free is better but not absolutely required.

Peacocks displaying tales, courting females, making calls. - .1 BSV
Pictures or videos of other beautiful birds, especially males courting females. - .05 BSV
Bower birds courting females - .2 BSV
Swans courting each other - .1 BSV
Beautiful birds courting that are not sexually dimorphic - 1. BSV
Foxes courting - .2 BSV
Fox families - .1 BSV
Deer antler fights - .1 BSV
Ungulates fighting with horns - .1 BSV
Pictures displaying animals with horns or antlers - .05 BSV
animals with beards, like goats or humans - .05 BSV
horses with beautiful manes - .05 BSV
fowls with wattles, like turkeys - .1 BSV
sexy women with nice figures (must be better than some generic image I could easily find in no time)
examples of negging from pop culture - .1 BSV
pictures of tombs, cathedrals, other monumental architecture - .05 BSV
Other images or videos that show handicaps that I haven't though...
saved 246d
I am offering bounties for pointing me to nature videos and pictures that I can use to make a point in my next video. Watch my replies to this twetch for specific bounties. I am looking for pictures and videos of animals and humans to illustrate the handicap principle. Bounty will be paid if I decide to use it in my video. Bounties range from .05 to .2 BSV.
saved 246d
Definitely a narcissist.
saved 250d
We have to figure out who they are first.