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saved 252d
Yeah but we have to find them first.
saved 252d
Child abuse inhibits development of the frontal lobe, which means no executive function. If we want a society that's not for slaves, let's make sure the next generation has good executive function!
saved 252d
Can someone help me think of a business model for preventing pedophiles from hiding in plain sight?
saved 253d
We just watched Hausu, 1977. It's a great horror satire with deliberately bad special effects about high school girls haunted by a female monster. Very good, go watch it.
saved 255d
It seems like people are already getting tired of the israel war.
saved 257d
Yes that's a classic! I love that movie. I've watched about 20 vampires recently and that's one of the best.
saved 258d
Good question. What if holy water was effective? He could discover a connection between consecration and effectiveness against vampires.
saved 259d
Movie idea: the first half of the movie is about a man hunted by a vampire who finally kills it using a crucifix. The second half is about what it means for his life to know that christianity is real.
saved 264d
The avantage that the upper class has had on us for the last 10,000 years is connectivity. They have a small world network, we don't.

No system of government is capable of addressing this problem. If we put everybody into a small-world network, then we move to a one-class system. Still with differences in wealth and promenance, but without the ability for elites to form a conspiracy against everyone else.

Quick! Everybody make 50,000 local friends and 50,000 international friends! Then everybody will be either a friend or a friend of a friend. That will be the end of the upper class.
saved 265d
Thanks you've been a real good friend.
saved 889d
# Does Twetch work with Markdown?

*If not,* **why not?** @4 @1
saved 889d
Bitcoin has integrity, governments don't. It's not your fault if you're a citizen either, you're just the victim of a system that won't work.
saved 889d
Well I haven't told many people because the website is still under construction. But yeah please try it out and let me know if something is hard to understand.
saved 889d
Nice, you've been using pow.co
saved 889d
saved 943d
Bitcoin isn't worth anything without freedom.
saved 949d
Exactly, instead of expecting people to speculate on BSV make BSV into something that's worth having right now. You do that by serving the people who already have BSV. You can't make money off people who don't have any, so why worry about everyone else?
saved 956d
saved 963d
saved 964d
Of course you shouldn't do it.
saved 973d
saved 973d
Just don't worry about it, it's the people who are already here who matter, not the people who aren't! People who would be deterred by that sort of thing aren't genuinely motivated by truth; someone who is would know that it's the only way.
saved 973d
Just don't worry about it, none of that stuff matters to people who are motivated by truth and those are the only ones who are actually useful.

It's not about attracting people, it's about benefiting each other. That's what money is for!
saved 973d
Also it's not true that the market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent. If you design your life right, you can stay solvent longer than market cycles. Just make sure you have a skill that people need so that you'll have income.
saved 973d
Are we talking about what's good or interesting or useful or about how to make a lot of money? If you're worried about running out of money you can build on BSV and speculate on shitcoins at the same time.