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saved 87d
Like i said yesterday. As soon as we get rejected above white trendline, we will face a harsh downward moving. If we cant recover inside the trend, the konsolidation will last arround 93 to 104$ like i mentioned yesterday
saved 87d
So you actually bought the top. Thats where your hate comes from. I just sell my bsv on exchanges if i want to. There are good options but like i said, you didnt do enough research. 👍
saved 87d
You are a coder, not a trader. Understand the reason for a price moving first before you criticize. And your recent posts say nothing of worth for me. You are actually part of the problem you are mentioning. Instead of complaining you should take action and lead those in your close environment to take action and grow your comunity. The next months and years we all need to start small again and not globaly.

And i ask you now.. why are you here on twetch if you say that BSV is BS (V). I don't like twetch that much too tbh, but again you have a lot of research to do. Gold and Silver are good assets and i own them, but to say people should completely sell BSV shows me you should either continue post about coding or take some action and learn more about the philosophy of crypto and much more. If you do so, thats the moment where i would say you can start being a bully towards BSV and act as you know better. (With real facts)
saved 87d
BSV following the path. Lets see how far we can go. We already get rejected again above the 100USDT per coin.
I hope that this time the 98$ support does act as a support so BSV can grow healthy towards the 105$.

If we get rejected by the White trendline pumping towards it, we will fall back very quick. The chart may ends up in a consolidation phase in a range from 93$ to 102$
saved 89d
I feel like my family got torn apart from each others. In my childhood, my mother was working hard. My grandma took care of me so often. i entered the 8 hour school system with 12 years old. Basicly i was tried to be programmed in the long term. Luckily through my circumstances, i had so much pain inside me, that i isolated myself from everything and generated hate against this system of forced work.

Today i know that having a heart full of hate is wrong, but it is also a step towards love. I am regenerating. Hopefully not too lat for the big crash of our financial and social system which i think to wittness right now.

All i really care about is, if i will be strong enough for my family to reunite and get as many of them through the bad times.

Love and hate can only exist together. Same as light and dark. Keep yourself connected to your surroundng, understand the root of your feelings, do the neccesary work and you will succeed in any terms you want to.
saved 89d
So far BSV follows my predicted path. Lets see if BSV actually can break resistance at the upper white trendline.
saved 89d
This is my expectation over the next days. I am definitely bullish but for now we don't get as much momentum as we need to climb above the white trendline in my opinion.
saved 90d
saved 90d
Might be very true. I mean the whole Cypherpunk scene was tracked 100% for sure and imprisioned the time they showed new inventions to the world.
Very rare to have something to be organized for the public, which isn't monitored or detected by the "big guys". Its public god damit.
saved 90d
Nice tweets btw and thank you for the like!
saved 90d
I am allways watching both sides (BTC/BSV). Now i saw this video here in which "Bitcoin University" did a statement on why BTC is not too slow. But minute 3 to 4 already shows me, how boring his arguments sadly are.

He is comparing money "layers" with BTC layers and says that it is very "close" to regular payment methods.

So the only real argument against BSV was basicly that it is dead because of the few transactions made on its chain, while BTC orientates itself close to fiat currencys?

Makes me think he wants a change without changing the system, which is never a way of evolution and growth. Do you guys think the same? He doesnt even speak about a BTC ecosystem at all, which is not possible if BTC keeps its size.

Layer 1 is the best and only real way.

saved 90d
Hello Twetch!
From a silent observator, to an active member of comunity.

This moth is gona be fun. Who of you is worried, who of you is bullisch?