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saved 1168d
What we're seeing is a new trend of Empirical Economics. Most people don't understand crypto, but they know it is making money (Storing Value). So they invest accordingly.
saved 1169d
Utility wins. Commercial utility creates a high volume of transactions. A high volume of transactions creates stability by making large transactions statistically insignificant. Stability attracts stop-loss buys. Buys are an upward pressure for price.
saved 1169d
A high volume of commercial transactions literally stabilizes price because transaction volume can be so high as to make speculative trading statistically insignificant.
saved 1169d
If I was Sony, I would have sold non-fungible tokens instead of being losers and letting scalpers buy all their inventory thereby losing sales in games, merchandise and everything else associated with actually owning a PS5.
saved 1169d
Onboarding to Bitcoin will be basically be people buying tokens (for anything) and seamlessly trading them for Bitcoin. Yes. I saw this coming. Tokens will be the primary gateway to Bitcoin.
saved 1169d
The race is now on for a super user friendly universal token wallet that supports a USD token. This is a CashApp killer and generally a killer app. Sell tickets, raffle tickets, store tokens, reservations, discount coupons, and much much more!
saved 1169d
I see it now .. a universal token wallet that supports a USD token. Businesses take payments and they also issue tokens specific to their business. Cash App could never compete with this.
saved 1170d
Institutional dumb money has come. Don't be silly and not milk that cash cow. I know it's dirty, but we all have to live. Right? Might as well take that money and get more BSV!
saved 1170d
Are you struggling to find ideas? Don't. BSVers can legally implement anything that Ethereum, or any other "crypto", has ever done that is interesting. As long as it is an original implementation there are no legal issues.
saved 1170d
It seems like people tie their own hands because they see something has already been done or somebody already has the idea. But that's no excuse. It's always possible to make a much better implementation. Ideas are cheap.
saved 1170d
Anything being done in "crypto" is free to be implemented on BSV. There's nothing illegal about it. Patents are limited to specific implementations. If they're too general, they do not hold up in court. DYOR. Go ahead. Recreate the wheel.
saved 1170d
There is nothing wrong or illegal about looking at other peoples' ideas and making a better implementation. In fact, that's the primary way that patents are made worthless.
saved 1170d
Will BSV ever be the best store of value? Yes, but only by being the ultimate "Jack of all trades". Everything on Coinmarketcap has to become like the shitcoin tokens being traded on Twetch. BSV must make everything else become obsolete.
saved 1170d
So that's why the market seems so irrational. They don't care WHY something stores value, only that it does. When BTC stops being a good dog, they'll transfer their capital to the best performing asset.
saved 1170d
Here's the big picture. Institutional money will throw their money at whatever is mathematically the best store of value. Doesn't matter if it's pig's feet. End of story.
saved 1170d
I know I know you look at BTC and think it's doing great, but it's really not. Remember that if its only use is Store of Value. There are things that have been kicking its ass all year long. Sadly, not BSV.
saved 1170d
I like to look at long term charts. This year is clearly a recession for "crypto".
saved 1170d
I didn't tell you..but now that I have been fasting for a while my health has improved. Happy about that. If you ever feel sick, I definitely recommend fasting. Somehow it restores things in your body.
saved 1170d
I've implemented a long fast into my day. Now I'm hungry all the time. Hunger is a good thing.
saved 1170d
For a while, BSV is going to need to just be boring plumbing to make all the hype real. Then when BSV stabilizes because of massive transactions, only then does she rise and take the lead.
saved 1170d
I think most of the shitcoins going to go away soon. They think it's alt season but that's not what the charts tell me.
saved 1170d
Where's the for sale section? I know some of you probably need to sell some stuff to eat.
saved 1170d
Auction widget for Twetch?
saved 1170d
Common people make it interesting. Make your tokens redeemable for something.
saved 1178d
I know what Elon Musk is doing.