if you make it within same collection you dont need to worry about color spaces and sizes (well, for generative collections at least)
@jadwahab come to discord and ask any questions, tehn you can write the docs :D
Cant pass a good boomer
No one stops you :D People would mint power jpegs tho. So maybe it can work within collection, and maybe it needs more esoteric rules for comparison
BTC jpegs be like
@jadwahab maybe soon maybe not :D
@jadwahab its basically moneybutton/bsv but with less features less dependencies and in typescript
@svthoth i think thinking right now is free mints are 1 of 1 only
Jesos, tog is an artist. You have big future in teh nft space.
Is this some AI filtering on same image>
Make some hot dogs
@1jadwahab nothing outside extension was funded, you can check addresses below