-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- #hmwyda wishlist: Nowadays I’m worried by the worldwide trend of defending the rights of everyone - gay, transgender, Black, Asian, vegan... I’m afraid that soon I’ll be executed for being a white heterosexual who likes meat. Is the world becoming crazy? I hate this fictional abuse of all these people really. Right now, my rights are violated! The rights of a white, heterosexual man living in a white country. Racism isn’t against black people anymore, it’s against white people. Number of us becomes less and less. Why should the position be held by a black man, even if he’s dumber than me, just because you can’t abuse his rights? What the shit?! What about our rights? 1. Any member of Oscar’s Academy for The Oscars’ new rules for Best Picture nominees. It looks like a bad joke! 1000$ https://www.oscars.org/oscars https://www.vox.com/culture/2020/9/9/21429083/oscars-best-picture-rules-diversity-inclusion 2. I hate any member of Black Lives Matter...