just another blockstream but this time more dangerous than ever because they have hashrate. And they are going to use it to the full extent to try to either control BCH or try to stop
Indeed. I see the same patterns with nChain as with Blockstream: - Cult - Trolling - Censorship and not wanting open discussion
Sure, that's exactly what we need. Every law enforcement agency in the world trying to declare Bitcoin illegal.
Instead they are trying (quite successfully unfortunately) to infiltrate us from the inside and derail our efforts through companies such as Blockstream and nChain 2/2
Looks like I may be wrong about this. Sounds like Google's stance is that if someone has access to your computer, they also have access to your browser.
It seems that other webpages cannot access it, but any local application could. I think Google is right, any local executable could just as well be a keylogger.