
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Proof of Work will set you free

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replied 2368d
its 2-3% population but 40% of child molesters, 55% HIV cases, 82% syphilis, 37% of anal cancer and only 20% of LGBTQ adults are STD free.
92% of adopted children are abused by LGBTQ
2370d · pol/ - Politically Incorrect
1 family picture & few degenerate perverts whos shitty genes are removed from the gene pool for good. #LGBTQ - every letter is a mental illness
2377d · Memo App
Anyone interested in a layout option like this for memo?
2384d ·
CSW BMG pool mined the 21.4 mb block.
replied 2390d
Chris Pacia is the double agent who pushed this nonsense cashaddress. Today once again we had issues paying in a shop because cashaddress makes the whole system more incompatible.
Recently with the decentralised development of Bitcoin Cash, dev teams have been butting heads. This is the natural order of Bitcoin, like we have never seen it before.
Bitcoin Cash: Civil War - Explained
2405d · What is the most controversial/contrarian opinion you hold?
I do not think being transgender is anything but narcissism and/or mental illness.
Sk8eM dUb
2458d · Capitalism
"The capitalists always attack the communes" wow what a pathetic excuse. What do they attack with? A better starting salary?
ad just released by @cryptostrategies
"Shady tactics allowed the Core developers to strip key Bitcoin functionality which made it P2P electronic cash."

2474d · Photography
From our jorney to fake Venetian in Las Vegas <3 There are gondolas inside the Venetian Hotel. Model: Cherry Bee
replied 2475d
replied 2477d
A picture of the 3 eating at comet pizza
replied 2477d
Hadn't considered, but this is very cool
2477d · memo
2487d · Favorite Quotes
"In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress" - John Adams
replied 2490d
Stop projecting your own insecurities onto everyone else. The free market gives you the option to either succeed or fail on your own merits. You cannot guarantee success.
replied 2490d
How is engaging in voluntary transactions wrong? You keep using the word "exploitation," but that's just a silly epithet with no meaning.
replied 2490d
If you think you are being "used" or "exploited" by someone you associate with, JUST WALK AWAY. That is the beauty of the free market. You have to man up and make adult decisions.
My name is Akintunde. I am a Nigerian, so happy to drop this immutable piece into the bch blockchain. At this moment in my life, I am more than happy. I hope this acts as a kind of never-to-be destroyed diary piece.
2487d · Satoshi Nakamoto
Oh looky I found the 3rd place on memo to drop this link: Nick vs Craig (tip: Nick can't be SN)
replied 2488d
2489d · Bitcoin Cash