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saved 899d
Swedens 🇺🇦/🇰🇿-crisis respond is a joke! Dorky tradcons and tax funded “expert” take turns to publicly praise AFs IFVs at the island Gotland. Unable to deadlift 100kg and waiting to be heroes of the last conflict while the new war already is at year 3!
saved 902d
Effin hell, being sick really is something else while being a parent. You can’t just lie down for a week anymore…
saved 903d
saved 911d
saved 912d
Yours truly, back at it after last years surgery.

Unfortunately the slope were prepped like a cow trail today so couldn’t really go to hard on the knee. Good thing the view made it worthwhile anyway!
saved 914d
That’s @55941 in the carriage and you up in the top right corner. Lets go blockchain, show us some love! Happy New Year!
saved 920d
Has anyone actually tried the play something-function on Netflix? How bored were you and did it ever work?
Millennials seem to come full circle with the boomers when the “reality”-tv has paid actors and streaming is company at home like Days of our lives…
saved 1133d
The thing is, anyone but the maki will make “the rest of my life” not very long... but man I love ribs! Texas food is awesome. Diet will be on pause when I, as soon as possible, visit my armor vehicle driver from our tour in Liberia who lives in Houston!
saved 1136d
@852 get program management on it and put it up for funding?
saved 1136d
Twetch need to come up with a new, more unique way, of verifying new high profile users... it’s laughable that shoe in head still is the most advanced way considering “BitCoin fixes this” applies for everything else?
saved 1143d
saved 1143d
I hope this pile of dog shit crypto market burns soon (tm), so I can throw literarily the whole farm at BitCoin...
saved 1144d
saved 1148d
If this volatility continues I’m gonna start selling neuroleptics for BSV...
saved 1149d
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a automated IQ-test running on BitCoin? Scary talent apartheid incoming...
saved 1150d
Wy have all that expensive electronics at home, where it’s not used 90%+ of the time, when it’s convenient and more economical to “pool and share”?
saved 1150d
I’m thinking about the current semi conductor shortages. Beside the economical evolution from value standards and backed currencies to BitCoins unbacked hyper usable cash. Isn’t BitCoins shared computational power a as natural progression from here?
saved 1153d
Listed my taco at 110$, lowest at the market, to try it out. Its only for fun and kind of not real, right? Congrats @2 , couldn't imagine a deal so fast, it makes me nervous I did bad but the money is very real! Now, how do I pay my taxes for this? 😂
saved 1154d
I got a taco as well! This makes the lock, tendie and hat seem even more valuable since I feel a strange need to collect all...
saved 1165d
Alltså jag hittar tydligen på reglerna lite allt eftersom så det kanske inte är helt logiskt bara 🤪
saved 1165d
buybsv.com det fungerar och är låg avgift men man får vänta på banköverföring som trots allt fortfarande fungerar. Har dock inte provat betala med kort än pga avgifterna. Svenska banker har inte fattat denna kran ännu likt de större som de strypt för BTC.
saved 1165d
Bara det är svenskar så utgår hittelön men den senaste var ju
/pay @29801 $1
som bjudit in?!
saved 1166d
Finns det några svenskar här jag kan följa?
saved 1166d
And Twetch finally enabled to remove posts! Is it backwards compatible? 👍🏻🥳🙌🏻
saved 1166d
I have reached yet another milestone in my ACL rehab, to without restriction wander around the gym between sets. I sometime think the walking and not being home eating contributes more to my health then the actual lifting here...