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saved 1169d
I have reached yet another milestone beside jogging in my ACL rehab, to without restriction wander around the gym without between sets. I sometime think the walking and not being home eating contributes more to my health then the actual lifting here...
saved 1169d
I saw some of the latest series on Netflix yesterday. It seemed ok but it felt like I, as always nowadays, had heard the story before. Has the digital age already told me all, or at least all good, stories before the age of 40 already?
saved 1177d
I’m still wondering if the Twetch hat NFT came with free twetches as the card said. Anyone care to confirm or dismiss?
saved 1184d
Feels like I’m on a roll after the egg, I checked my feed history and think I’m quite the guy most of the time actually. I’m sure the future blockchain forensics will find it worth at least a comment in the history books!
saved 1184d
HOLY SHIT! I got an egg, right @852 ? Im speechless, as an adult white male there arent much allowed to make one feel special these days, but this just cant stop it!

Should I go wild on booze and “ladies” this weekend or keep it for the kids to inherit?
saved 1184d
If you haven’t lived close to the polar circle you should know thatafter the winter the sunlight is as essential and spiritual relieving to us as rain after a summer drought for those close to the equator!
saved 1184d
Its totally demoralizing to realize that despite multiple efforts of different qualities during YEARS of struggle I don’t think I’ve gotten ONE to understand and adopt BitCoin.

Why is basic economics so hard to understand?
saved 1195d
One of the more revealing situations for peoples average lack of cognitive capacity for sure is the self service check outs...
saved 1226d
Hey, aren’t the Mcdorkmack-trial scheduled for some sort of processing yesterday already? Can we shift focus back on it soon?
saved 1234d
Am I a perv or are there thots starting to find their way to the cockchain (pun intended and dibs for .b @19669 !)? Or is it both?
saved 1234d
During the 20s CBDCs is introduced by people not understanding it competes with commercial banks, that eventually will make them look to avoid austerity. BitCoin will be the only reasonable clearing option that can be agreed upon by actual intellectuals.
saved 1243d
Who sold $1,5b BTC to TSLA, and why, in this perpetual ascending market it seems like a bad trade?
saved 1245d
I finally got out ahead from a bad trade so I can afford to Twetch again... I get more and more disturbed to understand how much in life is the result of gambling.
saved 1246d
Think about being one of many, when this turd sandwich get due for digestion, that for ever will have to self rationalize why getting fooled to buy “digital gold” seemed rational at the time...
saved 1246d
I am amazed to see BTC retards inability to recognize becoming completely mainstream while thinking they all have unique economic perspective and are part of a resistance that is winning over the institutions they think they are fighting. Embarrassing!
saved 1247d
@1465 slog du på riktigt mig med ett användarnummer? Hur kommer det sig att jag upplever att det är relativt många designers och kulturarbetare här när man kunde förvänta sig systemvetare och ekonomer? Hur hitta du hit?
saved 1247d
How hard can it be to understand? Gold will resume its position as store of value and BitCoin will finally provide a global medium of exchange unshackled from being backed by physical assets! We are going to take it all back boomer!
saved 1248d
I usually don’t post pictures of my kids but this little fella is like my best kept secret after society been doing this social distance thing for most of his life at this point...
saved 1248d
Nothing will ever blow my mind again as how the fintwit establishment, that learnt me everything else about economics, simply don’t understand BitCoin or recognize how BTC is a ponzi even with all the evidence available right in front of them. 🤯
saved 1252d
Even if this is a war on information, a blue pill mentality, to do “the right” thing and always play the long game, which is the opposite of and won’t bring dominance. I have said before, at some point the nerds of BitCoin will have to brace for impact.
saved 1254d
Life has always been a mental game, a perpetual war of information which been especially intense the last 30 years, but that BitCoin is about to start settle once and for all. Prepare to meet who you would have become with the correct information!
saved 1255d
Sry not done. Of course your bank says assets are the new money, inflation expectations are at ath! Check out
and follow these guys, inflation is the end but first deflation. Commodity’s are the new money (Bitcoin) ;-)
saved 1255d
Yes, but gold is a terrible medium of exchange and have never settled very much trade value in comparison to the credit system that evolved from it and associated central entities that followed and arguably got corrupted and introduced boom and busts.
saved 1255d
Or at least Bitcoin is by principle different since there isn’t a central point trying to balance it, so it’s at least a new try on an old problem with a fixed supply and hard to corrupted.
saved 1255d
Bitcoin of course, it’s neutral! My point is just that deflation (if that even was what you meant with savings economy) is just as bad as inflation... feels like man kind tried both inflation and deflation by now so how about neutral?