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saved 1259d
Ill settle for a neutral economy...
saved 1261d
Ping @8131 vet du några flera?
saved 1261d
Det verkar som det ändå dyker upp några svenskar här allt eftersom... Finns det någon mer här som jag ännu inte följer?
saved 1261d
Är det också en banan eller? Vem?
saved 1262d
A transaction cant be made more efficient (cheap) than one book keeping entry. LN implies at least two entries, BTC and LN. Since there principally isnt any arbitrage on internet there isnt any economical incentives beside BitCoin, it only can be delayed.
saved 1262d
Det gör dig till typ nummer fyra, men första svenska tjejen jag ser här. Varför tog det så lång tid?
saved 1262d
Whats up with the obvious card collection addiction at Twetch staff? Is it some kind of hodler substitute phantom behavior? I’ve got a decent amount of NHL card from the 90:s, can they be traded for Twetch tokens when available?
saved 1264d
I cant wait to have BitCoin re-democratize and thereby market incentivize information again. This socialized cesspit Internet 0.1 allows the dumbest people to get the same reach as smart ones. It has been a war my entire life, I want my mind back!
saved 1264d
As Biden reentered the Paris agreement and backs WHO his 1 day, the COVID PCR-test is not needed to count as positive as the mail vote fulfilled its purpose, societies can begin open up. Back to scaremongering about global warming again, am I right?
saved 1266d
Dafuq, apparently went all in on TDXP without thinking about how these matters are integrated now... so for the moment I barely can afford to Twetch.
saved 1268d
Kingdom of Bohemians (Czech) minted its coins in Joachimsthal (valley) and was called Joachimsthaler. The name were from there adopted by many currencies, Spain and even Swedenistan had its own “Riksdaler” which many still call our krona today.
saved 1269d
As I wrote on TwItTeR, what jurisdiction should this apply to? Are MB complicit with North Korean law also? Where I the line drawn even where a court has had its saying? A bit sweeping but actually worth contemplating over....
saved 1269d
It usually feels cringe to wear but today at the gym I decided to show the colors again. Still after 20 years the platoon t-shirt from my conscription as a ranger in the Swedish Armed Forces catches some attention and demand a solid effort, pergite!
saved 1269d
Ping @15284 due to the last days discussions on wallets and recovery in relation to Moneybutton and Ali. Hypothetically, theoretically and all that could you lock my funds making me unable to recover them without your consent? Thanks for a great wallet!
saved 1269d
Wait what, can handcash lock my funds without me being able to recover them without their consent?