im not appealing to censorship you dumpster monkey -- also astro turfing stupid shit 247 is censorship -- purposely done to break up rational thinking/discussion etc
maybe some sort of consent based moderators one subscribes to? moderators compete for accurately blocking the truly inane? mods for certain strains of delusions: bcore... socialism... etc
REMINDER: LR has admitted to not having a job... me: "get a job" ( LR: "Why? Your money is imaginary."?? ( ... Your intelligence is imaginary!
NO2X hat guy: LN not ready. Use alt? Adam Back: Um. Optimize. Um. [mumbles nonsense about lightning - ultimately admits it's not usable] Um. Tabs? YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP!!!
LR, still spewing nonsense! How is bitcoin (bch) not capitalist? fundamental to verifying transactions is _COMPETITION_ for the block reward... also Terminator represents capitalism?!? lolz
"In a Resource Based Economy all goods and services are available to all people without the need for means of exchange such as money, credits, barter or any other means. "
BCH is the world's best weapon against redistributionist trash like LR... "I'm a do nothing shithead... give me stuff you evil capitalists!!!" try and take it bitch