There is no hashwar. You guys admitted defeat when you had to add checkpoints because you ran out of money for hash power.
You forked away from Nakamoto Consensus.
ABC played a fair game sv just missed the rules. But there are no rules in war.
So since AnCap crypto revolution didn't come after 9 years and gov could turn on BSV. Are you now telling me crypto/Bitcoin is waste and should go back to Fiat/PayPal/MasterCard?
government will not help you to make a crypto great, which is not controllable by government. But if its controllable by government or any instance, it is worthless
Capitalism doesn't work this way at all. It is one sided, it is centralised decision making and have extremely unfair rewards distribution (and few other negative things).
The reward distribution fairness is not that some. The owner deserves more. Equal distribution is a bad idea. It goes against nature.
BSV becoming own coin was a good thing, now the anti-government wackos can focus on ABC Coin and that Ponzi Scheme called BTC. #BitcoinSV #BSV #ChooseSV #WeChooseSV #nChain
you are so naiv.. governments will never be crypto-friendly. nobody digs his own grave
government friendly crypto is an oxymoron. if crypto wins, fiat will collapse. if fiat collapse, government will loose power. maybe SV is government friendly but government will never be friendly to SV or any crypto
Miners need permission from there dev bosses bitcoin is capitalist ABC is just like core communist posing as libertarians that why miners chose bitcoin sv
SV supporters are the communists. they want government regulation. ABC stands for really free markets