
Joined Jun 12, 2018

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The hash war did some damage to BCH. However the fraud CSW was removed, so it will probably be worth it in the end.
replied 2253d
Wow. Can't believe this is real. It's like walking in the forest and stumbling on a pixie or elf.
2255d · Bitcoin Cash
Finally had time to split my coin. Oh I cant wait for the confirmations so I can dump my BSV.
2261d · Bitcoin Cash
Oh good. I'm trying to split and dump my SV as it is.
2261d · Bitcoin Cash
Oh good. I'm trying to split and dump my SV as it is.
2261d · Favorite Quotes
"People who have come to moral clarity regarding their history are the closest things to superheros that we have in this world" - Stefan Molynuex
replied 2263d
The reward distribution fairness is not that some. The owner deserves more. Equal distribution is a bad idea. It goes against nature.
replied 2266d
replied 2266d
I extract my own wealth out of my own labors while the government takes my wealth through theft.
replied 2274d
I'm buying on @Poloniex. You're welcome.
Great video thanks to Rick to speak so clearly
2290d · Bitcoin Cash
The scariest thing in the world to bcore right now is the ABC roadmap.
2290d · Bitcoin Cash
The scariest thing in the world to bcore right now is the ABC roadmap.
2290d · Bitcoin Cash
The scariest thing in the world to bcore right now is the ABC roadmap.
replied 2290d
ABC is the biggest threat to BTC - with ABC's upgrade BCH will make BTC look like a sad joke.
replied 2290d
ABC is the biggest threat to BTC - with ABC's upgrade BCH will make BTC look like a sad joke.
replied 2368d
thats what you get with socialized scientific funding & public schools. if both were private we'd have greater diversity & choice.
replied 2374d
Bought some BTC from a visiting Korean on Fri. As usual all was going well till I told him I was all in BCH. Instant hatred appeared. I immediately flipped the BTC to BCH.
A govt that wants to do bad things to its citizens will do them by controlling the flow of information in order to make the bad things look like good things.
(Just like /r/Bitcoin)
2384d ·
Just to be clear: reply to this post with your stress test message and like this post with the amount to stress! (min 15000 sat) Then watch here:
Nobody is perfect and you will be next! Oh wait, this is blockchained? The next evolution of shared data (blockchained) is coming faster than I expected, silencing is here!
2434d · Capitalism
I’m a libertarian 🤗 and proud
I have all the cool people following me 😎 I’m awesome at 50