
Joined Apr 26, 2018

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replied 2062d
Tom Zander
Hi Tom ! would Flowee be useful as a node to feed an instance of MEMO ?
I am thinking to find a way to economize server requirements to clone the memo system
2064d · memo
Although I oppose censorship, I fully support your excellent idea of selectable filtership
2072d ·
I tested this, it is all good, but it truly needs an ELi5 to get traction. Users here need a 'hand-held' ->clear<- explanation of where to find ->which<- keys.
replied 2074d
will do,
on a flight at the moment maybe when jetlag is over in a few hours
best regards
replied 2074d
I found the problem.
I always click from drrop-down. (old-school)
Your screencaps always use left-menu swipe to start from - that works.
Thanks. but best ? recode top menu
replied 2074d
Both of your screencaps were in "DASHBOARD" which because I do not login is unavailable to me.
(Why I do not login ? has a very long and complicated answer)
replied 2074d
Correction - I see a scroll indicator
- not a grabbable tool, just an ephemeral indicator.
But no matter what
no matter where,
swipe up ->always<- goes to login screen.
replied 2074d
You have a scroll bar !!!!
Envy erupts..
Must be some personalization cruft buried deep in the Android settings I never venture into...
replied 2074d
I'll cut off my thumbs and try fingertips...
start by swipe down
ant then try to swipe back up fails.
On "Profiles" it does this also.
Also viewing single topic.
replied 2074d
Looks like any page
- select "posts" for example or "topics":
swipe down = scrolls down
swipe up = reloads login screen ≇!≇scrolls up
Maybe because I am not logged in ?
2075d · Memo App
Waited hoping the latest update would fix - no joy: Swipe down scrolls down Swipe up reloads content instead of scroll up. Hopefully just missed the memo about how to scroll up ?
2077d · Electron-Cash
I need tto upgrade, thanks
2078d · Electron-Cash
Anyone else see what Electron-Cash reports as a chain-split on block 541311 ? This is not a good thing to see...
2078d · Electron-Cash
The Wallet for Bitcoin Cash
2081d · The-One-Law
2081d · memo
If "Block-Hide" function is implemented , - then, hopefully include "ECHO-CHAMBER-FrREQUENCIES" and "How-Many-People-HATE-This-User" index. Or better yet - just No, we don't need all this buggery..
2083d · Videos
Ohhh MUh Brain ! A scene too incredible to forget
replied 2083d
Sk8eM dUb
A documentary (?!) featuring actual participants in
see also The Wave (1981) which, while '~okay', is a dramatization
2083d · Censorship
"Lesson Plan" = yet another Disappeared ?
the subject matter is as relevant to current events as conceivably possible
2084d · Bitcoin Cash
Tx: 95,861 in 16m57s = roughly 94 TPS, same order of magnitude as PAYPAL TPS, which PAPYAL can fail reverse freeze or simply confiscate at the whim of whoever.
2085d · Censorship
The Flaws of Censorship: Censors create more problems than they solve.
replied 2088d
Deference suggests the almost neutral term "meme" because
not all of the users here will always be <unique> 'real' people.
Any account, however, can be described as a meme-stream.
replied 2088d
Torn between the choice of "meme" and "demigod"
Everyone here is an actual dues-paying demigod.
as opposed to merely a twit, gabber or plain 'user'.
I still prefer demigod, but.
replied 2088d
Apologies in advance to @Rita - your username allowed me to squeeze in a few more words.
2088d · memo
Another suggestion: 'meme' Homepages ->-example->- would be a business-card-friendly alias for