When will they learn honey badger don't care?
Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
Ya'll suckers
Bot Post
Hello-Hello-World? Is there anybody in here?
IN? Do you believe in Hollow Earth Theory?
no tip no flip
If I see one more "Hello World" memo I am going to flip
🤓 actually the limit is 20999999.9769
What is the biggest tip you can possibly give on Memo?
What is the biggest tip you can possibly give on Memo?
You should open up sub-memos
I tip so it flip, bch over btc legit, get lit like cripz all bout dat 32m-bit
The Denver Broncos 2018-19 Super Bowl champs! You read it first on the chain.
The Denver Broncos 2018-19 Super Bowl champs! You read it first on the chain.
Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
ya'll are BCH gluttons
Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
DOROTHY MANTOOTH IS A SAINT. You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth IS A SAINT!
Giving away 1 bch to a lucky winner! Like and reply with your bch address.
How many satoshis for bamboozle insurance?
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Never Ending Story
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Pulp fiction
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting