When will they learn honey badger don't care?
🤓 actually the limit is 20999999.9769
What is the biggest tip you can possibly give on Memo?
The Denver Broncos 2018-19 Super Bowl champs! You read it first on the chain.
Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
Giving away 1 bch to a lucky winner! Like and reply with your bch address.
How many satoshis for bamboozle insurance?
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Never Ending Story
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Pulp fiction
Favorite movie? Forever cemented in block-chain? Mine is Good Will Hunting
Government is forcing us towards decentralized solutions.
To like is to tip. Just need to increase your tip from the dust amount
Memo.Cash: Cannot do this on Lightning Network!!
Climate change is outside human control. Our role is to adapt.
I don't know how to tip! It only lets me like!
Not sure if I got the Memo(.cash) lol
Bad capitalism all about creating 'dependency'.
Good capitalism = freedom.
Hello Memo ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ - u/atroxes
Hello Memo ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ - u/atroxes