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saved 144d
There is a difference between "peer to peer electronic cash" and "peer to miner to peer digital hodlgold".

However, SPV still has to be implemented on BSV properly.
saved 145d
I do not know.

But I am quite sure, that it is the price which gets them fixated on other distractions like BTC.
saved 145d
saved 145d
I will think about it.

If I do I will give you a follow :-).
saved 145d
I am not good with code, but I think Ty Everett from project babbage has mentioned something about "action oriented programming".
I do not think that twetch is designed that way, therefore it will probably face some issues in the future.
But this is just my noob point of view.

Have you looked into certihash and their sentinel-node?
An enterprise doesn't care much about price if the stuff actually solves a problem and is cheaper than their previous solution.

I think there is a difference between fiat price and value.

That all being said, I have lost a lot with buying BSV and I would like to see it go up at some point in time.
Not sure if this will ever happen, but I haven't given up hope yet.
saved 145d
I am not on twitter, but maybe I will give it a try.

Have been on there once and deleted it after a month since I became addicted.
But maybe I should try to make twitter my bitch instead of letting it make me its bitch^^.
saved 146d
I won't take part on building an economy on twetch, since there is no roadmap at all.
There are only signs, and they point to an ongoing "falling apart".
If there would be some effort to fix things, it would be different.

However, I would like to keep in contact with all those people here, since I like the interactions.
saved 146d
I agree.

I funded several features and overall spent way more money on it than I ever did pay for any other app or program.
Maybe except for "guild wars 2".

Is it my own responsibility and money?
Sure it is.
Still not a fan of such a behaviour.

saved 148d
Kinda true.

And the main reason, why history is at least 50% bullshit.

Because the winner writes history.
And the winner tends to purge the losers culture and narrative and let him look bad in hindsight in the history books.
If this happens over and over again and content is being destroyed, there is not much truth left at the end.

saved 148d
Thankyou very much :-)
saved 148d
Is it their deadline?
saved 149d
Would be funny if the trends do reverse from now on.

BSV finally a number go up technology…probably just daydreaming right now^^

saved 149d
I paid much more than that. Even bought at 350$.

What if you had 100k in BSV?
Would you do self custody or keep it at coinbase, binance or kraken?

Sure, maybe some small amount, similar to having some bsv with handcash even though it is custodial.

But the option of self custody is a good attribute in my opinion.

Btw: I do not have 100k in BSV, just an example.
saved 149d
Funny comparison, lets see if this ages well.

But looking at all the problems on BTC which are really hard to ignore at this point and at the same time seeing all the hype the comparison kinda fits.

saved 149d
saved 149d
saved 149d
Checkout Niklas Luhmans "Zettelkasten".
saved 150d
93 bottles of Beer on the wall, 93 bottles of Beer, you take one down and pass it around…….
saved 150d
I do not get any notifications at the moment.
I am probably not the only one.
However, I just wanted to say, that I may miss some posts or replies.
saved 150d
Also a funny coincidence: when on 24.12.2022 the price was really low and the mining profitability dropped really low as well, we had a convenient price pump.
Similar to spring 2020, when BTC was close to 3000$.
BTC in my opinion is, like you already said, manipulated.
And TPTB already control it.

And like you have already mentioned in another post if I remember right, that BSV is being mined or has been mined at a loss as well.
Which bares the question who is doing that.
Maybe TPTB as well or another "entity".
There seldom is an agonist without an antagonist.
Nobody, except for god/universe can control everything.

The main reason for the ETF is probably that the fiat money system can be used in a very direct way to make profits and maybe even manipulate the price.

Could be, that the government is behind all of crypto but I doubt it.
There has been the "how to make a mint" NSA paper.
There are many theories, can't proof nor disproof any of them.

saved 150d
BTC mining profitability is on an all time low.
It has only been lower in the first years when it didn't had a price.

saved 152d
Or you build your own island out of plastic trash.
The concept with the mangrove trees and everything is really cool.

But beware where you do it. His first island was taken by a hurricane and this one was demanded to be taken down by government.

saved 152d
Don't you know, that at some point AI can simulate humans and can therefore generate the data it needs by itself.
Therefore constantly upgrading itself and going through the roof regarding its intelligence and knowledge.
It will solve all our problems.
Singularity is near.
Trust me bro.

This post is pure irony and sarcasm^^.

saved 153d
saved 159d
I am just imagining how much beer I could consume if I would be a giraffe^^.
