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saved 1259d
When you deposit ETH or BTC into the Dotwallet, they somehow create a token on the BSV platform which allows you to send ETH or BTC to ETH or BTC address but the fees end up being fees for BSV and the transaction is seen on both BSV and ETH or BTC chain.
saved 1259d
Making money helps my mental health. MASSIVE profits today from US stock markets largest single day move of the year. Like they are celebrating. Let’s go! 🤑💰
saved 1260d
I’ve introduced people to TDXP.app that have never owned crypto. They love the app. The FASTEST way to on-board has been giving them BSV for cash.
saved 1271d
I suspect dollar drop is complete and that a reversal will make crypto drop soon too.
saved 1272d
If BSV ever spikes 400%, sell ALL of it for cash or BTC. Why? BSV doesn’t have the fiat liquidity to maintain that rapid price change. That’s why it ALWAYS falls back down precipitously. Then buy it back after it falls to baseline.
saved 1272d
saved 1272d
saved 1273d
‪BSV works. But BTC & ETH are stealing the talent and capital. I think we lost. I supported BSV because I thought Craig would lead a revolution. He would rather let Bitcoin die than sign Genesis block to appease the exchanges and miners. Hold your BTC. ‬
saved 1276d
I’m making so much money trading ETH on SimpleFX. What a rush 🤩. Feel alive again. Maybe I can infiltrate the ETH and BTC camp better now. Tell them their economy is good but tech is not? 🤔
saved 1276d
Investors DON’T CARE if Craig sells all his BTC. Why? Because they will buy it! Why? Because BTC’s economy is expanding rapidly. And that’s why Craig will sell very little if any very slowly. Cause he knows that too. Smart guy lol.
saved 1276d
I found the optimal decision. It’s to convert no more than 10% of BTC into BSV annually.
saved 1276d
Well the other thing they’re ignoring is the chain’s economy. Craig is furious that the BTC has a massive exchange, CFD trading economy.
saved 1276d
It’s never too late to undo a mistake. I sold some BSV for BTC at $27,000 and I’m already wealthier. My plan is to convert no more than 10% of BTC to BSV annually. This will put you back on the path to preserving your wealth and growing your wealth.
saved 1276d
Guess what, block size is irrelevant to your financial health! 1 kilobyte block versus 1 terabyte block doesn’t matter. Algorithms/investors are investing in the chain’s growing economy! They won’t tell you that. My secret to you to help you.
saved 1276d
Me making BTC profits trading ETH on SimpleFX. I will convert 10% to BSV annually. Who wants to join me and get rich, or at least pay your bills?
saved 1276d
No more than 10% of BTC and ETH holdings should be converted into BSV annually. This will maximally preserve wealth and maximally grow wealth. I went all in BSV. This was the worst financial decision of my life.
saved 1277d
I traded 57 BTC for BCH and then BSV. I got REKT. Why? Because investors are agnostic of the “tech” (whether consciously or unconsciously) and care about the chain’s economy. Ask yourself what would you invest in if tech agnostic?
saved 1277d
But no business. No business means no growth of economy. Stagnant price.
saved 1277d
China’s ghost cities have massive capacity (BSV) for people. But people live in more congested (BTC) parts of China because that’s where the business is at. Invest in economies not “tech.” Speculate for 10-20 years from now that populations shift.
saved 1277d
Profits in BTC on SimpleFX CFD exchange by USING. 0.021 BTC. This will pay your bills. Sitting on a massive stash hoping “crypto go up” or “Craig case soon!” will not.
saved 1277d
Someone is wrong and someone is right. There are many people that believe that Trump is trying to head the deep state. But there are certain facts like the dollar dropping 12% under Trump that would counter your argument.
saved 1277d
If you’re not a Liquidity Provider or trader on tdxp.app, you are not using 99.9% of your BSV and are predominantly a speculator. That does NOTHING to sustainably increase BSVs price. This app is best way to use A LOT of your BSV!
saved 1277d
When you have more money than Rwanda, you don’t care if shitcoins are soaring in price, especially when you’re the largest holder of shitcoins in the world 😆. But when you don’t hold shitcoins it sucks 😢
saved 1277d
BSV is still too new to fly high in price sustainably. The tech is the best. But we need more people to realize and that takes time. I made mistake going all in BSV. Needed to diversify for sake of paying my bills.
saved 1277d
BSV is doing extremely well at #13 market cap out of 3000 crypto considering:
1) it’s not supported by most of the largest exchanges
2) is not supported by most of the largest miners
3) it’s attacked by most of crypto space