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saved 1249d
0.000015 ETH fee to send 0.05 worth of ETH to Dotwallet user versus 0.0031154 fee to non-Dotwallet address. Spread the word! Users are not even aware!
saved 1249d
We lost 200k transactions per day to BCH somehow?
saved 1249d
Highly desirable rates of return are still available on tdxp.app. Everyone has a chance to make passive income on Bitcoin. This is nice way to showcase our combined financial strength
saved 1249d
I’m 90% sure that BTC will not touch 40,000 again this year. I know it’s going down.
saved 1249d
Bitcoin can’t just be for people that are brilliant or autistic. It needs to be for EVERYONE. I don’t mind the slow price gains but I do mind the stagnant adoption. Something needs to change dramatically.
saved 1249d
Yes, tokenize EVERYTHING
saved 1249d
You can work really, really hard and lose. You have to work SMART.
saved 1249d
CSW is smart but he doesn’t know how to win. He doesn’t understand people. We need more giveaways, marketing, promotions - all things CSW is against. People need to stop listening to him.
saved 1250d
Retail investors look like they getting duped into buying BTC now. GME 2.0
saved 1251d
Remember at BSV $125, we go all in and fight shorts and bring BSV to $10,000. May take couple weeks to get to $125.
saved 1251d
XMR which is second heaviest shorted actually did the best of the whole group for 2020 gains.
saved 1254d
BSV #8 in terms of popularity on Coinbase but not listed. What is going on? $1 billion daily volume.
saved 1254d
Mainstreams intelligence quotient for Bitcoin is like 20. Don’t overestimate them. Don’t insult them either. That doesn’t help. (Wish CSW didn’t insult them so much 😔)
saved 1254d
Imminent crypto dump incoming. Why? Because dollar has stopped dropping. Got a large BSV buy order at $154 and if that breaks $146.
saved 1255d
Congrats TDXP.app. Insurance pool is over 10,000 BSV.
saved 1256d
We need the power of our collective minds to make Bitcoin powerful. All our talents.
saved 1257d
BSV is nearing it’s first 10,000 for number as the BSV liquidity pool on tdxp.app! Next is $10,000 per BSV 😎
saved 1257d
I held Tesla stock for five grueling flat years before the massive spike. My conviction was so strong because I knew the power of my Tesla P100 sedan. I know the true power of Bitcoin.
saved 1257d
*extra money
saved 1257d
High CO2 levels decrease the flavor and nutritional content of fruits and vegetables.
Essential for living but too much food can kill you, too much oxygen can kill you.
Excess of harmful. CO2 is no different. Don’t tell that to Big Oil supporters 🤫
saved 1257d
Wait till exchanges are informed they not call BTC bitcoin anymore 🤯
saved 1258d
Looks like people are selling BTC for ETH. Whac-a-Mole is only going to end as BSV ecosystem and apps grow to bring it to the lead. Hence, building ultimately wins.
saved 1258d
I’m glad that Craig is finally going after the BTC crew after holding back for so many years, over a decade. Now I finally feel BTC will die.
saved 1258d
Sometimes I lose on tdxp.app. And that’s OK because the BSV goes into the insurance pool that grows currently at $1 million per month. If I win, I make BSV. In both cases, Bitcoin wins.
saved 1258d
@wallet_dot Dotwallet app needs to merge the online wallet and app wallets. Please help me contact them to push this feature ASAP. @riverish333 @Satoshis_D @4 Can you help me spread the word? It’s an incredibly powerful wallet.