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saved 1148d
saved 1148d
saved 1148d
I tried about twenty times and didn't even get one.
saved 1148d
Simple child like faith @292

Next time you see somebody who needs prayer: pray.


saved 1166d
I have decided to stop all this twetching. There is a lot of work to do and the workers are few. Social media trains people to become little devils.

www.tlrmovie.com is the life i will lead until i have need to promote The Lifeboat Project.

Bye for now!
saved 1167d
saved 1167d
saved 1167d
Safer on movie sets? or you have a link to hospitals using needles like that?
saved 1167d
Was the accumulation spike a year ago done by okex and Calvin? Were they told not to do that anymore?

Was this slower pump, organic? Was it hammered back down by Prince Charles/Mastercard to create a new sideways channel from $100 to $500?
saved 1167d
Was the accumulation spike a year ago done by okex and Calvin, stopped from happening again?

Was this spike organic and then hammered back down by Prince Charles/Mastercard to create a new sideways channel from $100 to $500 @292 ?
saved 1168d
VATICAN CITY — Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, and the CEOs of Pharmaceutical manufacturers Moderna and Pfizer, which created leading COVID-19 vaccines, will be featured speakers at a healthcare conference next month by the Vatican.
saved 1168d
Outer space, nuclear weapons and viruses are hoaxes. Vaccine if for killing you, which is why they offer Mariah the acting school version of a syringe.
saved 1168d
The needle disappears into the syringe at 57 seconds when they are vaccinating Mariah Carey lol

saved 1168d
Another reason why flat earth is important @292 is that once you understand he scale of government lies; you ain't gonna let them put a death needle in your arm.

Flat earth is a government inoculation @2956
saved 1168d
What Kreg doesn't seem to understand is that his God, prefers anarchy.
saved 1168d
Post DOGE, how can anybody really believe that joker Musk is putting things in outer space? You have to be low IQ to believe this FakeX garbage. #strongdelusion
saved 1168d
Re: Elon Musk April fools on @292

If Elon knows that BSV is Bitcoin; what stops him from buying it up?

Do people like Musk, Bezos, Gates absolutely know that they are being watched by demons or astral projection or some other black magic?

saved 1168d
Do you think Craig Wright posted this vs cryptonote type technology, @292 ?

"What we need is a way to generate additional blinded variations of a public key."

saved 1168d
Tether can be an organic pump too. Ordinary people have to use Tether to by on most exchanges. Tether isn't always just Brock and Voorhees.
saved 1168d
I stated that Calvin is not pumping it, this time. Proving that somebody is ordering Calvin, not to pump is difficult because evidence would be scant.

BSV is the more real Bitcoin.
saved 1168d
My Twetch above infers that Calvin has nothing to do with this pump. "New orders" NOT to pump.

I think this pump is organic. Not tether. Just people who know BSV is the real Bitcoin.
saved 1168d
So this garbage BSV pump after a year of price carnage...

Are the pumpers like Calvin, under new orders from British royalty to wait? Wait for the biggest bait (BTC) and switch (BSV) in history?

And if @292 agrees, would he tell people on Coingeek? @109
saved 1168d
Ah, the triangle ones in this video are probably US military, not from under the oceans.
saved 1168d
And Tucker Carlson is an obvious freemason. Mockingbird Controlled opposition, to gate-keep.
saved 1168d
UFOs come from under the oceans and are likely occupied by demon possessed pre-adamites.

The Tartarian empire HAD zero point energy and Tesla was a stooge who was put up after the destruction of the Tartarian empire, to discredit free energy.