
Joined Sep 16, 2018

Life's a BCH!

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voted Daily 2357d
created poll 2361d
I want to see how many people currently use Memo on a day to day basis. Stats page only shows total users. So with that in mind, how often do you visit Memo?
Weekly 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Daily 34 votes · 5,436 satoshis


followed 2359d
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Life's a BCH!
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set name to EverAbundance8888 2359d
replied 2359d
Invading other countries and stealing their oil is Not capitalism, that's just theft. Dont make it look like they're the same pls.
replied 2359d
people are paid more coz they have better financial skills. Michael Jordan gets more because he does more for the team. Imagine if NBA rips Jordan's pay and distribute to bench players
Testing... Mic Test.. Hows everybody doing?
replied 2359d
We must trust that the "Enforcers" will always remain honest.