Who else is enjoying this nice Sunday rally =)
BTC supporters left are now just either anal diehards or clueless newcomers
few understand just how dangerous cryptocurrency is
crypto reallocates control of money supply from central entities to the users
Memo > Blockpress
It's really cool that after the new hard fork we will have much longer memos!
Yesterday at the London Bitcoin Cash conference over 50 BCH fans assembled
The energy is real <3. Wait till we get swamped by the mainstream
London Bitcoin Cash Conference T - 1 day!
We need an option to filter by reputation to escape meaningless posts.
The inevitable BCH / BTC overtake has begun.
Save starving kids in Africa. 1 Like = 1 iPad
The words that changed history
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
any1 ever consider that blockstream was just a move to fork bitcoin for $$?
Being on memo feels like being on the cypherpyunk mailing list in 2008
It will allow 80 character Memo messages to be sent around :)
We should increase OP_RETURN byte limit from 40 to 80. It fits in our chain
xss vunerability check
No one can silence us.
The BCH community is by far the most vibrant, productive and constructive.
And most don't even realise it yet. We are here making history.
This is the best application of blockchain since Bitcoin was invented
If memo goes down, the social network behind it stays forever