Vigorous Mike

Joined Apr 24, 2018

Bitcoin enthusiast since 2012; but got dismayed in 2015, until now!.
BCH app/project tester, adviser, advertising/promoter & new application proposals.
Long time cruncher for BOINC projects.
A Linux systems only man.

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replied 2136d
I apply the same technique to nuisance phone calls, answer - saying "Hi" put it on secrecy mode off the hook, leaving them talking to themselves! :D; wasting breath, time and money!.
By just replying back to the opposition [not naming names] you're giving them ammunition. Don't reply; so the opposition will only here there own S**T, because its whats in them! - they just listening to themselves!.
replied 2136d
With posts on both sides it couldn't be more clearer than ever, BCH is Bitcoin - even a noob could tell!. BTC related posts seem VERY OPINIONATED with TALK, & in a way secretive too!.
On Twitter I follow Blockstream, Bitcoin Core and Adam Back (As well as BCH community), NOT because I support them, BUT because I believe its healthy to compare the opposition, So I am better informed without bias...
replied 2136d
By just using memo is compliments on its own!. (Its quite simple, if there is purpose and it can be used as matter of 'fact' - that overrides all opinions/talk; because talk is cheap).
Bitcoin (BCH) is the most honest, robust and efficient financial system we've ever had in history!. In the face for people that say Bitcoin is used by criminals; ITS QUITE THE OPPOSITE!. Fiat money is for criminals!.
Thought of the day: BCH is the most energy efficient blockchain ever!. Because BCH is all in one, not 'just' a currency but its smart contracts & apps on global scale is highly EFFICIENT compared to existing systems.
My graphic manipulation skills (A pic a day) - Terminator T1001:
2136d · Bitcoin Cash
You need spenders and savers, a currency with just savers will not survive, BCH is value because it achieves both, primarily its value is based on what you can do with it - above all else.
Six very important points newbies aught/need to understand & remember about Bitcoin aka BCH 1: Its a protocol 2: It's a incentive system 3: Trustless 4: Permissionless 5: Secure 6: No downtime.
I'm looking forward to install the app for Android!.
replied 2137d
(If I'm the first person to mention this statement today, I can be very proud of block chain technology, why? Because it proves I was the first source of the statement & idea!).
Blockstream = Block the stream of transactions! - well they achieved that alright :D. (They've dug there own grave by there name, & whats worse - they don't even know it - yet!). RT.
replied 2137d
Its not a free country if you need citizenship!. A free country = freedom of movement, without permission. Citizenship is to keep tabs on you, particularly so you can be TAXED!.
"Some men just want to build a world out of matches & watch it burn!" - Unknown
2140d · Buttcoin
Bitcoin Core = Bitcoin Con
A person once said to me: You can tell someone is a psychopath by looking at back of head, if its flat back, then they are psychopaths :D, lol. High frontal forehead is means above average intelligence people, lol :D.
created poll 2147d
On website, do you think it will help newbies adopt BCH to have 'Legal' (In % of countries) between 'Simple' & 'Stable'? If no, why?
Yes 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
No 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis

replied 2147d
...Also, a visitor counter would be a good idea to get an idea of interest and possible rates adoption. What do you think?
For newcomers visiting website, a good recommendation between 'simple' and 'stable' is to have 'Legal' - "Legal in 85% [or so] in most countries" (It just just helps to aid legitimacy to newcomers).
replied 2147d
True,but sometimes the people that do good are the least popular in society. (I'm not saying everything he does is good - far from it). Besides polls lie; often to catch opposition out
replied 2148d
Overall, time is the biggest teacher (At least he's a mountain mover - compared to others before him). Lets see how he favours in 2 years from now.
replied 2148d
This is what you DON'T see on mainstream media about Trump (He is what America needs right now!. If we asked him about BCH, would likely welcome, at the least on the side!):