Vigorous Mike

Joined Apr 24, 2018

Bitcoin enthusiast since 2012; but got dismayed in 2015, until now!.
BCH app/project tester, adviser, advertising/promoter & new application proposals.
Long time cruncher for BOINC projects.
A Linux systems only man.

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replied 2340d
True; but, with demand increasing year on year (though price falls hard on occasions) its constantly going up in value, therefore obtaining greater purchasing power in the future.
You know one of the best starting points for BCH Acceptance (as a means of exchange). Car boot sales & street stalls!; then further up you go, until you reach conglomerates!.
I think it might be a good idea to clarify & explain better to new users/adopters what we mean by a stable store of value on, because of the price fluctuating, it won't appear stable to new users.
Has anyone noticed - Ryan X Charles looks a lot like Julian Assange? (The only difference is the hair style and crown that makes the difference between the two!).
If you send new amount of BCH to previously generated receiving address, that is not the same as latest generated address, the amount sent is still valid - because its still hashed from same private key (same Wallet).
replied 2342d
Lets call it growing pains :D. (Since BCH is global, it might happen faster than you think, especially because BCH isn't a centralised development team unlike BTC's B(F)lockstream! :D)
replied 2342d
In long term its all good. You can mostly time market by month & day frequency; but when you narrow down to hours & minutes frequency, it becomes practically impossible to time.
replied 2342d
Ceremony tomorrow is scheduled for Economic, Finance, Financial relations & Markets & Statistics - Best place and time EVER to flag off my BCH TShirt. Most likely interested students.
To further propagate the seeds in peoples minds about BitcoinCash, try catch important public event's which will be televised or in newspapers i.e. graduation ceremonies etc, try stand in view of cams in BCH TShirt!.
In local butchers today - in my BitcoinCash Tshirt, upon paying, I said: "I wish I can pay in BitcoinCash!" - Disappointed to hear my local butcher employee say:"Nah, its a fad" with a smile!.I said: "Ah, you'll see!"
Stood in my city University quadrangle, in my BitcoinCash TShirt, blissfully in the sun!; significant about this day is its graduation week/day - packed full of parents, students & lecturers etc. Best time to market!.
A new idea for TShirts logo's and text prints: Bitcoin Cash - Conformity NO MORE!.
We all love you Craig - keep up the good work & philosophy and most of all stay well!. BCH is KING!.
BitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCashBitcoinCash I love!
For NEW users - once they have some BCH, the catch phrase? "Congratulations, you've been BitcoinCashed!."
replied 2344d
replied 2344d
This project, NChains patents & projects along with Ncrypt, CoinText, Mike Herns Lighthouse project, BCHFund, BCH StressTest, wallet application testing, shuffle services & confs etc.
Find there is just too much exciting developments with BCH, that I find it very hard to concentrate on one BCH project without diluting and getting excited about others!. So much, so little time!,28hrs day w be good!.
replied 2345d
Consider it done ;). The hurdle for new comers I find is convincing them to install a wallet. With Cointext, it utilises what they already familiar with i.e. phone numbers & sms!.
Going to make it priority each week for many years to meet with at least two people per week (many more if possible) over a coffee in Costa to market / show off & give some BCH to them - they will be that impressed!.
Anytime I get ads that annoy me, I'm going to take advantage of turning a negative into a positive by using them to advertise BCH in detail as a response to them!; with links &
Rebelled a food and drink offer by CoOp on Twitter with a BCH response: "Would love too, if you accept BCH as payment, if not, you should (old human created probs on BTC have been sorted with BCH) - the adv are huge!"
You're aggressive censorship ends today Monsanto/Bayer!: