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saved 1204d
Actually I see some air between cal / Taal and CSW / nChain.
I am a lot more concerned about where nChain is going than Taal .
Taal is sitting on a lot of bsv
saved 1204d
On low information sources , they have been pounding this message for months
saved 1204d
I agree your point but Aggregate average data about the US is such an amalgamation of people and factors that it’s nearly meaningless .
saved 1205d
BTC futures in backwardation so looks like most people agree
saved 1205d
I see the separation of traders and “liquidity providers”, which I would prefer to call backstop counterparties, being an asymmetrical risk structure.
However, the asymmetrical risk structure doesn’t change that it’s a zero sum system
saved 1205d
It’s a zero-sum system plus a house-take. It’s built on CFDs with no external counterparty.
If you can win at it , others at losing.

I will assume your enemies likely to lose to you 😉
saved 1205d
24 year old know-it-all social overlords, half of whom recently got here from India, now usurping CDC data and epidemiologist’s analysis when such data no longer serves the WEF Gates Soros globalist agenda
saved 1205d
Move evidence of government-created mental health crisis:

This from air travel, FAA:

typical year: 100-150 official instances of serious unruly passenger behavior

2021: more than 1,300 in the first four months

while with far fewer travelers
saved 1205d
tdxp is an app to recommend to your enemies
saved 1205d
It seems like I have been battling a flu the last few days. The flu still exists right?
saved 1206d
He could go to a notary with 2 witnesses and sign I mf CSW possess all these mf keys and sign or transact from 1000 addresses: Identity proof remains in the legal realm . No code is law. Nothing to do with Satoshi . Drama over .
saved 1206d
And why LAWR were 2 gold sponsor
saved 1206d
BSV , the full recourse blockchain lol
saved 1206d
Can’t we all just get along BSV
saved 1206d
The comment Calvin made about BSV the "enterprise utility blockchain" is starting to make more sense.
He's not going to say the unsaid part. We all know the "King won't transact" is an untenable status quo.
BSV businesses can't survive this abuse forever.
saved 1206d
Sure, just BSV find a swim lane to flow in.

CSW's 'head-on' narrative yet do nothing on chain leads others to hammer BSV relentlessly with misinformation due to $1Trillion threat to their narratives. The capital-starved ecosystem lives the abuse- no mas
saved 1206d
Since CSW isn't selling BTC, might as well negotiate a truce with Novogratz and his money gang to let them save face:

Pretend BSV is an improvement, rather than the original, to end this 3 years of being carpet-bombing by diinformation

What do you think?
saved 1207d
A desperate BTC pump - which included a hype conference and MSTR issuing bonds for a big BTC buy coinciding with the El Salvador announcement- has failed in the market .
saved 1207d
US Gasoline prices are up $1 since Biden was elected.
This 50% increase occurred with no Nigerian pipeline blown up, no mass oil workers strike, no new Middle East or N Africa instability.
This happened with nothing but new US policy.
saved 1207d
Hearing talk of CG conf in Oct
I realized it’s June- Only 4 months away
saved 1207d
Cal has an O-line in the background.

And a TE in the corner

BSV would have the best flag football team in crypto
saved 1207d
saved 1207d
@852 changes lives. Twetch saves lives.

Its not right for me to tell the stories of others. Its theirs to tell if you are following them.

The magic ingredient is this:

Bob joins twetch with referral from Alice.

Nobody could have imagined the rest
saved 1207d
I guess you meant pint, but typing isn't easy while doing those curls
saved 1207d
GameStop vs Amazon
wen GSWS

Amazon benefitted from 20 years of cultism. What is popular for one generation won’t be for the next.
Now it works against them

Same at FB/IG