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saved 1207d
the Fed are morons. they expect inflation to drop as supply catches up. Wrong
1 behavior sustains inflation until borrow costs go up
2 10 million open jobs bc people being paid not to work will keep supply low,
3 less competition post-lockdown damage
saved 1207d
Oil over $70 US , over $72 in London

Direct and pass through costs up $3000 per household

America’s first great Self-inflcted pro-poverty program. Nice going Ds

saved 1208d
I like some country music
But the culture marxists who run it mandate that every promoted song must be stupid,
Or face career death
saved 1208d
Little Big Town wins a country music award for a song about drinking

Ground-breaking stuff
saved 1208d
saved 1208d
How many CG Gold sponsors were LAWR?
saved 1208d
Bitcoin mining:
fancy people problems- talking on a nice stage about carbon neutral sustainability
real world problems- Desperate governments routing all their electricity into mining, taking out city power daily in hot summer medical crisis for residents
saved 1208d
I'm happy that at least he's is on point today
saved 1208d
CSW is one of the few people who clearly detests Silicon Valley as much as I do, for as long as I have.

That's why I'm a fan.

Obsolete them.
saved 1209d
I think its just math to him so transaction fees can exceed 100% of the block reward value to prove his system
If BSV price is $200, doable. At $2000, that's difficult. At $20,000, very tough.
saved 1209d
He talked about "Bitcoin P2P Electronic Cash System" : Digital cash to be used and spent.

When was the last time he tried selling that idea?
saved 1209d
lol the ultimate BSV investor blackpill: CSW with his infinite money is the guy shorting BSV on Bittrex
he's changed his tune about BSV money use since, for example, his 2019 Bogota speech.
saved 1209d
it seems too many people over the past year left to self-destruct.
saved 1209d
pharma supply chain to prevent adulterated meds
Caught it. I hadn't seen that before. ideal use case
saved 1209d
saved 1209d
BTC and ETH both have 100x the audience. Those are passive coinbois reflexively getting validation from market valuation.

The power in 5000 of the most engaged BSVers to create value is greater than the value of having 300K coinbois
saved 1210d
IT Security segment spend always grows more regardless of how much Total IT spend grows or shrinks annually.

It projects to a future breaking point on the profitability of using IT. The IT model will change. Ignore lame storage costs laments.
saved 1210d
Of course they recovered the *other* 85% of the Colonial ransom.
Some attack clowns left it in an exchange? Hard to believe but OK
saved 1210d
The Darkside Ransomware-as-a-Service takes an automatic 15% cut of the Bitcoin transaction from any payment obtained by an affiliate.

Darkside understands Bitcoin business models better than everybody in BTC.
saved 1210d
Experts are so sure that Darkside is Russian because it won't encrypt data when an attack target system runs any of 17 "Soviet-sphere" languages.
That's so ham-handed it laughable.
Its as lame as the DNC hack "proven" by Russian metadata in MS Word docs
saved 1210d
It turns out CSW was 15 years ahead of his time with the near-immutable system that he built.

We are here a few years too early, since IT Pros are only now realizing the need due to the ransomware messes

Hang in there. Our brightest days are coming.
saved 1210d
How is more money made- by creating/selling Ransomware-as-a-Service like DarkSide,
or by creating/selling the anti-Ransomware software, solutions, and consulting to the world
It's worth contemplating before being so certain who is behind it all
saved 1210d
I don’t know if it trades anywhere

6m chart
saved 1210d
Roy is sound here. If you have customers using the ecosystem you don’t want to break it on them. You want to iron it out before they can be exposed.
saved 1210d
The btc price in gold chart has been leading the btc/usd chart

Today, the btc/gold chart already dropped under the 3rd shoulder.

The btc/usd odds of a drop back to $20k are high