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saved 1078d
Not handy at the moment, and most of this info is pretty inaccessible without just talking it through like we are here.

I'll see what I can pull up for you in a bit, though.

Also, thanks! That's a very generous response of yours. I appreciate it.
saved 1078d
I reward people on Twetch for good behavior.

But my rewards rarely come in the form you either want or expect them to.
saved 1078d
You should study the problem more deeply.

Ask whether the claims people make are actually true about what these systems do.

Look at the network structure. How does information flow between nodes?
saved 1078d
Now that's better.

Just think about what you're doing and how others may react to it.

I'm here for my benefit, not yours. It's rude to treat me or others like pawns to get something you want.
saved 1078d
In some cases, that's how they identify which transactions to manipulate, but in BSV, you'd have to be either an app operator, or a miner scanning everything to do this. It's just not practical at scale.
saved 1078d
Yup, that's me. Pulled all my hair out, don't you know?
saved 1078d
As for validators, they don't matter here unless they are building blocks and enforcing the first-seen rule.

Faster block times actually makes it easier to engage in MEV style manipulations.
saved 1078d
BSV doesn't necessarily "solve" this problem... But it does make it a moot point at scale.

It would be far more expensive to sift through the transactions to find ones to manipulate than to just mine them.
saved 1078d
"You won't pay me when I randomly tagged you so that someone else will pay me in a giveaway, and you're annoyed that I'm wasting your time? I know, I'll insult you!"

This is why I don't spend time here. Too much damned noise!
saved 1078d
Ha, now that is funny.
saved 1078d
If you want to make money, do the work. Provide value to people. Don't beg.

And definitely don't waste people's time.
saved 1078d

So you can make money?


You're wasting my time by tagging me in something that isn't valuable to me.

It's rude.
saved 1078d
Let's see... Spending money to like a post that I'm randomly tagged in so that someone else can be given money...

I'm just not seeing the value for me here.

Why did you tag me if there's nothing to interest me here?
saved 1083d
Just don't call me Shirley.
saved 1083d
Nonsense. Observing without being affected isn't observation at all.

It's better to seek wisdom in observation. Change in a purposeful, holistic way towards a better understanding of the world and oneself.
saved 1083d
If connecting people is your goal, you're ineffective at it. Your tactics are about as poor as the ones I've been using here, if that were my goal.

The thing is, I'm not trying to fix the problem. The cost/benefit analysis isn't good for that.
saved 1083d
Why do you enjoy Texas Holdem?

This isn't bait. It's a conversation.
saved 1083d
@4 Twetch needs a "promote user" function on each user's profile page (except, perhaps, a user's own page).

Like branching, but for their profile rather than a post.
saved 1083d
How can a response both be half assed, and cheeky?

By definition, half an ass is only one cheek. Not very cheeky at all.

Also, I expect a non-homogeneous culture. I've been pretty clear on that for a while now.
saved 1084d
Definitions? No.

I'm looking for recommendations.

No, it's not even that. I'm looking for people to vouch for one another.
saved 1084d
Feature wise, absolutely.

Culture wise... Not even close.
saved 1084d
Before long, everyone else who is too low information to think about what they're actually doing will have paid for my $1 reward for some real information.

Signal : noise

That's what it's really about.
saved 1084d
/pay @7165 $1
saved 1084d
And here it is: signal in the noise.

I appreciate that you actually replied to my request, rather than taking the bait.

As for everyone else, they're just demonstrating how easy it is to make money on Twetch.
saved 1084d
I know myself quite well.

You still haven't suggested anyone who you think posts valuable content.