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saved 1126d
I've never left here. I just haven't been active here. So much low information nonsense.
saved 1126d
That's not how these things tend to work.

Sure, if people are forced to be here, it will develop that way, but it's more likely they'll leave the platform. Easier for them.

This isn't high school. Cliques don't work the same way here.
saved 1126d
Do you see those buttons on the top of the feed? There's more than one of them to choose from.

And the existence of periphery subgroups doesn't fit the description of subculture.
saved 1126d
The entire dynamic should be different for Twetch. I agree. But to get there, the homogenization of the culture needs to stop. It doesn't scale, socially speaking.
saved 1126d
saved 1126d
That... Isn't how this works at all.

And, look at the thread. There's more here than just the original post.
saved 1126d
Your point being?
saved 1126d
Is that what I did?

Tell me, where did I indicate knowledge of the sock puppet accusation, let alone evidence in support of the accusation?

When have I *ever* given reason to believe I'd support a scammer?

Stop being an idiot. You're better than that.
saved 1126d
This is why I don't spend time here.

Even otherwise intelligent, interesting people turn into low information zombies here.

It's a homogeneous culture of making everything a joke.

Well, hurray. That means you're a joke, too.
saved 1126d
Btw, did nobody see the word "might" on my original post?

What does that word even mean? Anyone know?
saved 1126d
Then stop being a low information fool and start reading what I'm actually saying.

Good lord...

You're latching onto literally the least important part of what I'm saying.

Start listening.
saved 1126d

I'm talking past everyone, aren't I?

I haven't defended anyone. Hell, it really doesn't matter who this individual is, or if they're scamming. That's not my point.

Maybe this individual is not the one I want them to be. But my point stands.
saved 1140d
Amazon has their own flavor of epub. A little different, but mostly just a wrapper for epub. But, because they control it, they get to do a few things that simplify conversations for them, I suspect.
saved 1142d

If you don't do that, you will never learn all you can.
saved 1162d
Good to know, though I'm using this in watch-only mode.
saved 1176d
Ha, he put a toll on me but he's still paying me to reply to me.

What a maroon.
saved 1176d
Lol, the troll was tired of losing money to me so he set a toll on me.

I'm shook, I tell you.
saved 1177d
I notice that "here" is to the right of "waiting" in your post.

You could flip that, then "here" would be to the left of "waiting".

Because you're going to be here, left waiting, because I literally don't care what you think.
saved 1180d
saved 1204d
Getting ready for a productive day tomorrow.

What music should I use to keep focused?
saved 1214d
I've never had the chance to play the 2D Zelda games.
saved 1215d
I highly recommend the audiobooks read by Jefferson Mays (if memory serves me right on his name.)
saved 1216d
What are your favorite stories?

I'm not talking about what entertained you the most, rather, what truly spoke to your soul?

For me, it's The Lord of the Rings, Dead Poet's Society, and The Expanse (books, not show.)
saved 1216d
What information do you have about how they made 'hard stone pliable and weigh less'?
saved 1216d
I'm not at all familiar with that sort of thing.