
Joined Apr 17, 2018

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Sk8eM dUb
Trolling on r/btc is worse than I've ever seen it right now. Blockstream smells blood in the water with all this fork talk. Tbh it's pretty bullish that they're wasting so much effort.
2102d · Religion
LR, religious extremists training kids to be school shooters in NM. One kid died in a ritual. other 11 were starving. https://bch.gg/aj
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
Sk8eM dUb
That's what I call a GAP https://invst.ly/83aj7
2130d · Austrian Economics
Austrian Economics discord (not created by me): https://discord.gg/sQeUqH
lets use nonmining node instead of full node
2130d · Marx
yep. 3.7k messages in the Capitalism thread & we're still talking about if voluntary transactions are exploitative. Agree with you, if it's voluntary how is it exploitative?
2130d · GameDevs BCH
you could still contact game devs & connect them with people here. surely there is a small independent dev who would try it. (e.g. if minecraft had BCH at the beginning)
Simon Van Gelder
2130d · GameDevs BCH
@Kook I like the treasure hunt. Has a minecraft-ian openness/futility to it.
2173d · Crypto Custody Services
Growing list of banks and institutions offering custody service for crypto / digital assets.
2142d · What was the last great film you watched?
Stalker is amazing.
2137d · What was the last great film you watched?
I liked The game with michael douglas.
2130d · GameDevs BCH
Have you tried www.bitcoincashfootball.com game? It's a fun and relatively simple game if you like manager style games
2134d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
What's worse than all the subhuman trash shitting on Roger is all the braying of "BCH is Ver's cult" has caused people to express less direct appreciation for the man.
2131d · Coinex
CET at top 20 by market cap!
Sk8eM dUb
2132d · Capitalism
Longer growing seasons will mean more food and prosperity all over the globe. Wars, plague, famine, blight etc. all happen in the coldest times in history. Warmer = better. Fight me.
Check out the new Forbes article featuring eatBCH: http://on.forbes.com/6014DUnhm
Nicely Done! Belgium is the better team today.
replied 2135d
That's the spirit! Please convince all your BCH hater friends to go and bring down the blockchain by using it!
2134d · Roger Ver Appreciation Station
We are often so afraid of being called a personality cult that we deny ourselves any and all heroes and that is a real shame. Fuck the trolls. They will pay eventually.
2147d · ɃitPico
My prediction: he is going to make a lot of huff about nothing, claim he was censored, say that's proof of centralization and core minions will eat it up as gospel. Meanwhile, BCH users unaffected
2147d · memo
Don't have much free time these days but I haven't given up working on my memo app. There's some UI errors but those will be fixed:
2173d · Capitalism
-ED-Why do you think US is capitalist when every source of information from schoolbooks to the internet says we have a 'mixed economy'?
2173d · Capitalism
'mixed economy' in reality, doesn't exist. Once you introduce regulation to trade at all, you no longer have capitalism at all.
2173d · Capitalism
Capitalism really only exists at the micro level - craigslist, lemonade stands, etc... - but communist USA is even coming down on that.