
Joined Apr 17, 2018

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replied 1746d
Someone who never interacted with the community says "goodbye" and comes up with the exact same points that BSVers do. He is just creating a fake story and probably even IS a BSVer.
replied 1767d
I love these games. riddles next. when I have time
replied 1780d
This is great. The last pic should be the one with the Cuban twerk kiddies, though.
replied 1780d
I was just told, that the guy, who sat on it lost his seed and couldn't retrieve it and we all thought it was lost. But he managed to get his password/seed back and retrieved it! nice!
replied 1780d
replied 1780d
I thought it was lost? Did you retrieve it again?!
replied 1780d

tryna catch me #tradindirty
Cointext and Anypay remittance solution on yahoo finance. Give it a read, if you haven't, already!
Tradin' dirty on local.bitcoin.com/r/eatbch
replied 1800d
Roger Ver is not the face of BCH. He's the voice of Bitcoin Cash. And that is a good thing.
Ancaps support Bitcoin, solely because it is "sound money". Furthermore it is created by the peers and not a government institution. Their ideological support for Silkroad is irrelevant.
replied 1958d
I'd love to agree, but can't ignore the elephants in the room. Thorium might be a future improvement, but for now core melt accidents and nuclear waste are highly problematic.
replied 1967d
replied 1975d
xD that quote! lol
1980d · GameDevs BCH
1989d · GameDevs BCH
https://craft.cash/ a “Minecraft on the blockchain”, stored 100% on Bitcoin Cash blockchain and served with Bitdb and Bitsocket.
replied 1989d
replied 1989d
It's funny, right after I read this i found your memo https://coingeek.com/former-blockstream-cto-gregory-maxwell-sees-light/
https://whitepaper.coinspice.io/ Here we have the first 'Webcomic' version of Satoshi's White Paper.
Thanks to @scottmccloud
replied 1993d
piss off to tumblr then.
replied 1998d
Simon Van Gelder
ohh! I remember!
replied 2003d
No clue about techincals behind this, but it sounds like someone telling me the sun is a "subsidy" and better to use candles instead. That of course has nothing to do with subsidies.
I cannot say this for sure, but the claim that DSV is a "subsidy" slightly reminds me of claims like "BCH is fiat" or "Lightning is P2P while BCH isn't".
Things, that are somehow true, when you skew the definition.1/2