
Joined Apr 17, 2018

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2130d · GameDevs BCH
Sadly, I have no info on that at all. Let's also list everything we like so see developed, here. Maybe we motivate people, or even find ways to recruit people, to create needed tools.
2130d · Guess the movie
@Jeffrey Lebowski - Falling down. I know for sure I've seen the other movie, but I can't remember the name.
2130d · GameDevs BCH
My submission, not the most professional, but a list of ideas improvized together for a pitch. A bit of a textwall, but still an interesting read,i'd say. yours.org: https://bit.ly/2JwvOaw
2130d · GameDevs BCH
Gamedevs and gamers get together! Submit ideas and concepts, promote your games, ask for support or recruit people. Not limited, but focused on onboarding new BCH users through gaming.
2131d · Bitcoin Cash
Super nice and ez fast BCH ATM check this out!
2131d · Bitcoin Cash
tried some different chreom-addons, but most of them either suck or don't work.
2131d · Bitcoin Cash
anyone has got currency calculation tools, that either automatically reinterpret values on page or have a tooltip, where you can add them, preferably calculating different crypto and fiat?
2131d · Capitalism
simple example: economic growth can be achieved by saving resources, during production of the same amount or maybe even more goods. this is one meaning of classic sustainable growth
2131d · Capitalism
"growth" has been misused by politicians and interventionist economists, that everybody wants to counter its perverted meaning, rather than to understand its nature.
2132d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
good i am just about adding people in here
2132d · Capitalism
pretty straightforward explanation
replied 2136d
well aged already i'd say.
replied 2137d
will this age well? time will tell.
from memo to twitter, pow!
replied 2186d
here is the link to the segment of "The Vin Armani Show (5/21/18) - The Future Of Bitcoin"
@VinArmani clears up smokescreen "nerdgossip", exposes powerhungry blockstream-statist LukeDashjr running(/ruining) #BTC,also talks about #BCH being centralized, explaining 51% attacks and incentives of acting parties
replied 2186d
just that capitalism not really pits anyone against anyone.
replied 2200d
they plan that "after dash", any other news?
replied 2200d
Ryan X. Charles
x²= 1
x= ±√1

replied 2211d
You got a W in it! As in Wildcart!cool
Just wanted to say, that the paywall function on yours.org is simply great!