I can't quite put my tongue on it, something about a state based giving citizenship based on ethnicity, a sort of ethnic based something state. Wonder who came up with the idea.
I dunno, but I think whoever it was used a symbol with almost the same amount of rotational symmetry as the Star of David... what was it called again?
So twitter has decided to shadowban my account. Sad to say the least. Been on there for many years and now I need to find a new platform to post on. Luckily there is memo.cash. Cheers to the future!
I own myself. Therefore, I own my labor. So I must own my property earned through labor. I must be able to sell my property. Forcing Tx's is theft. And so on, from the seed of self-ownership
All these laws and standardization are always being implemented. The "following" is the other half. So if you willingly follow then don't complain. If you don't want to follow, just don't.
I meant "Standardised" education. but it was a failure because these rural people didn't give a cr*p about this. They went out their day normally like how they would. Singing and dancing lol
I participated in a charity trip studying the "impoverished" area of rural places, but I quickly realized it was a way to indoctrinate those regions with majority education.
So, having lived in various places, I see that laws apply only to that specific pocket, region. I mean this is true in China as well. Nothing is across the board. It's actually not feasible.
Yeah, there are 17 year olds building nuclear reactors in their garage. I mean, this is insane, yet this kid found a much more efficient way to build one. Cost effective and everything.
Kids should have a life outside of school as much as possible. Kids are brilliant, I think if we actually unleashed them to freely educate themselves, we'd have very scary inventions.
I mean kids need the basic education, how to read, math, basic building blocks, and then it's up to the universe. I always thought if I dug deep into music, i'd eventually get into physics, bio.