I can't quite put my tongue on it, something about a state based giving citizenship based on ethnicity, a sort of ethnic based something state. Wonder who came up with the idea.
I dunno, but I think whoever it was used a symbol with almost the same amount of rotational symmetry as the Star of David... what was it called again?
I own myself. Therefore, I own my labor. So I must own my property earned through labor. I must be able to sell my property. Forcing Tx's is theft. And so on, from the seed of self-ownership
Nah, I oppose public education because public education in many cases is a welfare program for failed adults thinly disguised as a shitty young adult daycare.
I really think we have to get out of the habit of blaming someone else for our problems. This won't take you anywhere. The problem is not the president or America, you are building it too
it is a Messianic tendency, people think the son of Jesus will save us, so they tend also to blame one as the anti Christ. Reality is we are all shaping this society every single day.
Martian dream is nice and all but prolly wont be that comfortable within our lifetime. I still like earth ALOT. =D Need trees and greens and bodies of water to jump into. NAKED.
Domes are your friend. Fully pressurized, grass, trees, water, lakes. A little slice of Mother Earth. We will try to get Mars colonized in our lifetime.
I agree but instead of AI I prefer emergent market-driven intelligence. Political centralization is too dangerous. Bad record of famines and mass murder.
Thank you for the tip and congratulations on France winning. I watched the game and was cheering for Croatia. Moving on to bigger wins on the horizon such as crypto adoption!
Yup, platforms like memo.cash are certainly going to help with adoption
Or as Gandalf once said: "even the very wise do not see all ends" To think that a single human can grasp a system as complex as the earth's climate + human civilization is extreme arrogance.
I think we'll all have a much easier understanding of the loony socialist mentality if we just realize that their entire thought process is based on blind hatred of rich people plus paranoia.
People divorce over money problems. Problems the capitalists create intentionally to exploit and profit from. The business cycle, inflation, bankruptcy, medical bills all of that shit.