Someone claiming the Earth is running out of resources = NAZI!!!
We are not running OUT of resources, we are mismanaging them, and mismanaging the potential of other technologies and such. Everything will work itself out. Naturally.
See my other post. It should be something individuals voluntarily choose. Eugenics is not what I'm talking about, that's more trait/race based. Disgusting behavior from 19th century.
Scientifically proven: mingled and hybrid people are "better" people genetically speaking. Meaning the further our genes are the better. Like black white asian, mexican german etc.
No evolution needed. We're past darwinism.
Step 1: Stop making more people. Step 2: Make the inferior people, better people through education, work etc.
Capitalism is shortsighted, but necessarily for the big bang of any system, but then it needs to mellow out before it eats it's own. Competition is good up to a certain point you know.
We are rating everyone with one standard which is why some may feel like others are "Useless", because using one set of criteria to measure the worth of a person is a limited scope.
Laws can be made but people don't have to follow them. I see it in Asia all the time. Laws are made and some pockets of mass just don't give a sh*t and the sun still rises and sets.
The individual human has powers beyond their understanding. The path is lonesome to cultivate, one must practice meditation, undisturbed inner observance. This is harder to come by in modern age within city dwellings.
What is curious to me and has always been, is this; two people can have similar criteria and actions, yet the outcome can be drastically different. Like two people baking apple pies will taste differently. WHY?!
Biomimetics. All answers can be gotten if one just observes nature. Nature also shows itself differently to different individuals, which is why humans will always remain important. The individual manifestation factor.
Every parent actually experiences 0-1 true creation by having children. Everyone else tries to mimic this process by creating projects, businesses etc. So, maybe we spend our lifetime trying to understand what it is.
1st day in HK in a long time. It's so hot and humid and full of strange musings. Everyone's melting constantly like wax, and you get waterboarded by the swarms of janky ACs hanging off the buildings.
Thought: We are born with sets of acceptance of the world, whether good or cruel, because we are born not KNOWING better. once educated, we can MAYBE make some decision, but most willingly accept.
Reason why I say that, is inspired off of AIDS drug inventions. One guy figured out an HIV cocktail that worked from innovative time release, which was never done in medicine before. Using Time.
I think all society could benefit from all systems if implemented with time duration, like go capitalism in beginning, then socialist, followed by euphoric communism once abundant enough.
In terms of creation, there's two types. There's true creation: 0 to 1, then synthetic, X+X=Y. Those who can produce 0-1 are manifesting new realities for others to enjoy. :)