So, the human brain is insanely powerful, and mostly wasted on many inane activities such as memorizing bs someone made up instead of working on 0-1 creations.
China took the education system to an extreme, and produced new industry of test makers, mentors, takers etc. It's the most mindless thing yet 8 out of 10 kids can memorize 14 pages of text!
What is fascinating is every system will produce followers. EVERY SYSTEM will have followers finding meaning within, like ANYTHING. So, you have to ask yourself what are you finding meaning in.
Public education is idiotic. Entire system was built to produce more workers for the industries. The founding fathers decided this was the most efficient way to educate new gen workers.
@Bryce actually Amazon Bezos is brilliant. He's got good friends as analysts. He over projects his numbers, and he barely makes it every time. He' super stealthy.
Nah, I oppose public education because public education in many cases is a welfare program for failed adults thinly disguised as a shitty young adult daycare.
I didn't know exchanges did such things, but still no different than usd or other fiat really
Exchanges need to figure out how to manage decentralized excahnges.. currently all good exchanges are centralized.. so they can do whatever. But the tech behind it isn't good enough.
Female here and NO creativity! Sorry to let you down 😐
I'll explain why. Creative energy comes from lack of ego. Naturally, the female is wired to have less ego because of hormonal difference. Ego prevents the universal link to ideas.
Why we need more feminine energy altogether. Destructive vs. constructive. Feminine energy is in all as well as masculine. However, the feminine is creative, heals and prolongs sustainability.
Some can also argue that history does not repeat itself because who freakin knows how we all manifest with all the crossbreeding of information. America remains but the system revamps.
Also what I find interesting is America is at the end of their reign almost according to dynastic patterns... this is if we want to look into history to predict the future.
@kokansei if we think about power from a birds eye view, power is not just knowledge, as long as there's true brute military power, which is uncivilized but can be employed.
Officials are corrupt across the board not even cuz they don't want to but because they have influence and business people gift them expensively to allow things to happen. This is the flaw.