Why we need more feminine energy altogether. Destructive vs. constructive. Feminine energy is in all as well as masculine. However, the feminine is creative, heals and prolongs sustainability.
Some can also argue that history does not repeat itself because who freakin knows how we all manifest with all the crossbreeding of information. America remains but the system revamps.
Also what I find interesting is America is at the end of their reign almost according to dynastic patterns... this is if we want to look into history to predict the future.
@kokansei if we think about power from a birds eye view, power is not just knowledge, as long as there's true brute military power, which is uncivilized but can be employed.
Officials are corrupt across the board not even cuz they don't want to but because they have influence and business people gift them expensively to allow things to happen. This is the flaw.
https://memo.cash/topic/DOGS I'm trying to see how well memo works, friends, please reshare this link and if you have dogs or love dogs, please follow and ask people to follow!
Does anyone want to work on a project that involves an entire city built on blockchain? There are cities popping up around China purely built in AI. It's very cool
I met vegans, meat eaters, five hr fasters, etc. They wall work for the individual. So have to try. I know a keto friend, a runner. Peak health. No carbs and lot of red meat.
In my experience I have seen people eat differently and benefit. There's no one way. Just figure out what works for you. I eat quality beef and it gives me great energy.
Yeah, that number is around 70K a year USD for Americans to feel comfortable mentally. That's not a lot, but it keeps people happy. Then there's greed, more is always better.
Well, I think the higher up you go the less money actually matters. it just become a number. Its more about influence at that level. Once you understand money is fabricated..
Can we entertain ourselves and talk about EOS for a second? Need an open thread. What does everyone think about the way their communities are built, super nodes etc?
There's a story about a refugee fam starting their lives in Taiwan, and the father told the three sons, no matter what we still have a brick of gold in the closet. So the sons built empires.