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saved 1242d
Day 25:

I lose the bet to @612 . I had a beer last night...in my defense, I had ONE beer at a bar for 4 hours.. and only because the bartender saw me walk in and poured me my "regular" without me asking... Pouring one out is alcohol abuse!
saved 1243d
Day 24:

What book should be next?

Also... Still lacking that water game. Need to pick it up!
saved 1244d
I make homemade salsa. I grow, cut, season, blend, and infuse everything. Make giant jars of it that I eat year round.

Favorite exercise so far... probably stretching.
saved 1244d
Day 23:

Going to start taking the exercise seriously. Still getting over a little cold, so I don't think I am feeling as good as I should even getting more sleep than normal. Trying to go my first week without energy drinks or alcohol in years!
saved 1245d
Well... I crave energy drinks all the time, but I made a bet to not drink them... So maybe after a week or 2 of not drinking them, it will become a habit? Haven't noticed anything with the sleep helping yet.
saved 1245d
Day 22:

No exercise... But a legit reason... I think..? Ill do an extra day this week to make up for that. Home is warm again!
saved 1245d
I'm super excited about getting the workout equipment tomorrow that @612 ordered for me. Ive never been able to afford something like this, and I really appreciated what this guy is doing for me. Super awesome person!
saved 1246d
Day 21:

At some point I will learn that my decisions on Saturday are going to determine how good/productive of a day my Sundays are. Then my Sundays are going to carry into a new week... Why start on a bad foot? Got to fix Saturdays!
saved 1247d
Day 20:

Just going to let the pictures speak on this day. Back at it tomorrow.
saved 1247d
How about Start Monday, No Energy, Tobacco, Marijuana, or Coffee. BUT, I am allow to drink some beer on Thursday.. and in exchange, Ill also get 6 hours a night sleep AND workout 4 Days next week?
saved 1248d
Thats wild, ill have to look into it. Ive heard of fasting, but like once a year for religious purposes I guess. Never heard of some of this stuff being sent to me. Thanks for the link too!
saved 1248d
So your saying choose 1 day a week (1 day out of each 7) and spend 24 consecutive hours during that time and eat nothing? but drinking is ok?
saved 1248d
Day 19:

Another Friday without alcohol... Also first day with no Tobacco, MJ, Energy, Coffee, uncontrollable eating, etc. I honestly am surprising myself with progress on this journey.
saved 1251d
saved 1251d
Day 16:

I designed, planned, and started a 6 week "warm up" exercise program. Don't want to rush back into college like workouts and suffer from it. After that, I will up the intensity and maybe do weight training.

Want to see a exercise breakdown?
saved 1252d
I don't know how to take this comment. Its like a challenge, insult, advice, and motivation all in one.
saved 1254d
I am not meal planning at this time. I plan on doing it... But I am trying to document them first, See what areas I can improve on and go from there. Thanks for the comment!
saved 1255d
Day 12:

Weekends are not my strong point. But they will be.. just have to work harder at it. Should finish the book this weekend. Then on to the next. Any suggestions?
saved 1256d
Nothings impossible mate! I have heard horror stories about quitting tobacco.. I told myself it was something I wanted to quit, so I did. Sure I have urges, but I just tell myself again, Health > Everything.
saved 1257d
Day 10:

No coffee OR energy drinks... and I still felt pretty good. Maybe the water intake lately? I don't know, but I also ate a salad.... so maybe I am just going insane.

- Comments, Questions, Branches, Likes, and Follows are welcome 😉
saved 1258d
Thanks again for all your help with this process. And this is the best time of the day as you know.. Nobody around to bother you or create drama ha-ha.
saved 1258d
Day 9:

Drank a little less coffee (Thanks for calling me out @3). I played a bunch of songs of Beat Saber in VR. (Apple Watch gave me a workout credit). Water intake is going well.

- Comments, Questions, Branches, Likes, and Follows are welcome 😉
saved 1258d
So have you guys/gals decided if I should drink coffee still? Or moderate it? Or tea?
saved 1258d
Coffee is going to be tough... but I may just give it a try. Gonna have to have Alexa stop brewing it automatically in the morning haha.
saved 1259d
Thats what fits into my tumbler! Is that too much? Maybe I could cut back....