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saved 836d
Been a little hesitant on posting anything like this, But I have been making progress!, and I am proud of myself. So here it is. I will be posting more regular again, and will maybe post monthly updates!
saved 1007d
Ive gotten a few DM's about posting daily again... Do you guys really want to see it? I felt like there was a huge loss in interest/activity before I stopped. I will start it up again if it is in any way helping somebody out there!
saved 1009d
Just a quick update. Down to 213lbs, not drinking, not doing any drugs still. Running a few times a week. Bunch of sub 8:00 Miles ran. Lifting, Eating good, Being Financially (Semi) Responsible. Feeling better than ever! Love you guys!
saved 1119d
Day 137:
saved 1121d
Day 134:
saved 1123d
Day 133:
saved 1127d
I didn't post at all this past weekend... I took the weekend and spent time with family/friends. We went camping, hiking, boating, swimming, camp fires. We day drank, we partied, told stories, flirted, laugh, and fought. But now, its back to work.
saved 1133d
Day 128:

Finance, Personal, Nutrition, Fitness, Relationships. Trying to figure out what is Important. Oh... and I ran sprints... Yikes.
saved 1134d
Day 127:

Taking the advice of you guys and wrote down some goals last night. Going to work this week on narrowing down and deciding whats super important to me. Will keep you posted. Also here is the meal prep pic you asked for!
saved 1135d
Day 125
saved 1137d
Interesting. I will take some time to think this through. Thank you as always @19060
saved 1138d
Day 1-2-3, Easy as Do Re Mi, ABC, 1-2-3, 😂
saved 1138d
Yes, I agree. Ive been thinking a lot about this. I haven't posted about some of the other stuff I've been doing. (Painting, landscaping, Home/Property improvement). Stuff I was always ignoring. But meal prep is for sure something I need to do!
saved 1140d
Day 121:

Workouts have gotten a lot better. Been sore as all heck these last 2 days!
saved 1141d
Day 120:

Ive left some blank slots. I would like to post what you guys want to see. Let me know!
saved 1142d
Yep, all in a book.
saved 1142d
Day 118:
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Day 116:
saved 1146d
Day 115:
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Day 114:

Late posting today, was busy! But Still going strong! Going to start planning my workouts/meal I think. Seems like when I do, I achieve much more. Ill give it till Sunday to decide.
saved 1149d
Day 111:

Went out of town this weekend for a celebration/mothers day. Catching up on the post now.
saved 1151d
Day 110
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Day 109:

Ive never had a better stretch of days feeling so good waking up. Harder workouts, More sleep, Eating healthier. Seems to be a good combination to feel pretty damn good!
saved 1153d
Day 108

Didn't like it, But I did it. First cardio centered workout is done!
saved 1154d
Day 107:

I am going to start CARDIO tomorrow.... Gotta get back into it eventually. So why not... Put it on the chain, make it true