I went against the grain for you. I took the heat. I supported you through the thickest tides of abuse and dissent and you just shit all over me. That hurts. Good luck with that.
Did I ask you to?
I seek to have BCH as global money, I do not ask for support for me. I want people to do what is in their rational long term interests
I could tell right away from the start about the Core bunch from the way they treated BTC they didn't hold any coins and didn't care about where it's heading.
I’m concerned about all the controversy happening around Craig. How does everyone else feel about this?
People constantly want to "fix" Bitcoin. There's no indication that 0-conf transactions are unsafe for the size/type of transactions they're useful for.
Louis Rossmann talks about Cult of Apple, describes Blockstream & r/bitcoin perfectly. Bitcoin Core users deny the reality of their experience in exchange for a promise.
A word of warning: there has been a campaign in r/btc to divert public opinion in favor of all sort of questionable changes to the logo, name, and so on with the aim of harming BCH from within