Both Chains are still alive, slow motion fork to counteract fake teher pump of Segwit Coin.
We need stand alone memo client that can read op data from any node.
"The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked,is mine"NT
Why are Memos limited to 77 characters?
That's the size of the opcode.
Segwit Coin is not Bitcoin
It a public blockchain anybody can build it.
LN has its uses, but not for generic payments
If they can get it too work.
Or at least block repeat posts.
We need the ability to filter the main feed.
1000 satoshis = 1.4 usd in 10 years
1 year
Can we add a VOIP service to this so we could leave small voice messages!!
Not gonna work, OPCODE is 80 bytes.
Can more than 2 people use the same name? What prevents?
Different bitcoin address.
Search or display posts by
#Hashtags would be nice.
"LN is going to be transformative to commerce!" RobertDoosh utube
If you don't pay to post you are the product.
Core Trolls will have to pay and use Bitcoin Cash! lol
Gentlemen! Operation CASH is GO!
Remember to upgrade your node for May 15th!
Back on track to 1 satoshi = 1 cent :)