Melody McCoy

Joined Nov 26, 2021

I don't know nobody. Also, don't quote me. I'm probably mistaken.

Actions 61
Following 25
Followers 3
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Melody McCoy
275d · faucet
what's this? eli5 how's it work? recharge how.
Melody McCoy
replied 275d
Melody McCoy
Thanks for that. Keeps me able to be active.
Melody McCoy
replied 303d
twelve 12
Thank you
Melody McCoy
I got my first follower today. Yay! Go me!
Melody McCoy
i would like some free bitcoins. very much
Melody McCoy
I was gonna try to make friends but I'm still pretty blue about the whole strategic attack on my mental health and entire life so maybe I'll just forget it. Still deciding.