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saved 1052d
Leaders vs complainers.

For every leader who tries to sell you on being a leader, there will be 20 complainers who’ll sell you on making excuses.

The life of a Complainer is easier.

The life of a leader is tougher.

History favors leaders
saved 1101d
saved 1116d
How’s Twetch doing? Any new upgrades or updates?
saved 1142d
Is Elon Musk helping or hurting the crypto community?

Or just helping himself?
saved 1156d
Good morning Twetch. What’s the latest with Twetch?
saved 1172d
In my conversation with Anthony Pompliano the topic of twetch came up.

His views on it was very interesting.

Interview coming soon.

I would Share the short clip on twetch but video is somewhat limited here.

Any solutions I’m not aware of?
saved 1173d
Getting closer to finalizing the list of crypto experts to invite to Valuetainment studio to host a LIVE summit.

A deep dive on crypto.

Who would you like to see added to the list of invites?
saved 1177d
What do you know about Ip Man?
saved 1178d
Every great company today was once a crazy idea.

It was opposed by friends, family and investors.

The challenge is no one knows who’s right for a long time.

Either the critics end up being right or the creators.

Only time will tell.
saved 1178d
Vegas is One way of the best indicators to see if consumer confidence.

I was Just in Vegas yesterday and the place was packed.

Literally packed wall to wall.

The line at 830am to go to MGM pool had 600 people lined up outside.

Future looks bright.
saved 1181d
So they can permanently suspend someone if they wanted to? Meaning, could a Trump co-exist here without being silenced?

Do they have bylaws?
saved 1181d
Can anyone get cancelled or censored on Twetch?

How does twetch make money?
saved 1181d
What do you like most about Twetch?