I see you have a 10%. Is that correct or does it change depending on the user?
I think it’s basically the difference in who we follow. I see you at 27% but my account shows 40% which I guess is just a reference for my connectivity with my followers.
if you have 30% ranking and follow me I will tip 100k Satoshi ^_^&
If by Ranking you mean Shared Connections % then I have 40% as I follow everyone who follows me (Sooner or Later). I’ve been Following you for a while now.
What I find enlightening about Memo Commies on Reddit is they're not involved in any Communist/Socialist sub-reddits. They'd b laughed out if proposing Bitcoin (BCH) as a solution to inequality.
Personalities matter. If Marxists were z biggest promoters of BCH I would come to the conclusion Bitcoin (BCH) is a Communist movement. But that's not the reality. Memo Commies live in a Bubble.
I have to agree with $LightRider here. Capitalism is defined as private ownership of the means of production. Its definition has nothing to do with Trade or Exchange. Call me out if I'm wrong.
So typical that a commie refuses 2 answer an actual argument that all the people (Capitalists) who promote Bitcoin (BCH) own the greatest amount of it & stand 2 profit the most from its success.
I just don't see how Bitcoin (BCH) which is promoted as new money by Capitalists (Roger Ver, CSW, etc.) is supposed to solve Capitalism. Memo Commies live in a bubble of their own desiign.
This is also why multiculturalism doesn't work, because it implies multiple social contracts thatmay contradict each other (and do) grossly. The result: chaos. The dark side uses this
You'll never get a completely homogeneous group. Even in Japan there's actually three native minority groups. The trick is having a shared meta narrative so all can feel at home.
I don't think I would ever change the name from Bitcoin Cash. the name and the green color is so much better than just plain Bitcoin and that nasty Orange. I do not like BCH in Orange
I'm not saying we ever change the name. It's just easier to explain to people as the new and improved, fixed Bitcoin. Now it's called Bitcoin Cash.
Comment on Memo.cash UI by Amaury Sechet... "you go to the website and look at the interface...its Back to the Future..looks like a website from the 90s."
Any comments?
What? Amaury's not a fan of the mafakin 90's. Sad 2 hear. Create your own Memo client for your favorite decade then. Sites https://wewo.cash/ & https://memberapp.github.io/ understand.
Sorry there was a problem with bitcoin node so had to redownload the entire blockchain. chainfeed is as important as bitdb, many apps already use chainfeed api, such as chainbet.
No problem! Just saw your Reply Memo pop-up on Chainfeed in beautiful real-time. Hands down best companion website for enjoyable Memo usage.
people with cheap electricity profit the most. (unless by elite you just mean best/most efficient not necessarily the largest) large miners can better deal with variance in reward time
Speaking 2 efficiency of Capitalist miners who have access to best electricity rates. Luv to hear your & others opinion on this vid from where I side with.
5/5 distributed. Mining is like this because it is surrounded by Capitalism, but mining was not designed with Capitalism in mind. Bitcoin is socialist, but the pools within aren't.
I think Socialists & Communists r a minority in Bitcoin (BCH) because they don't seem to understand that only elite miners (Capitalists) can profit the most. When price is down and up.
I think Satoshi had Market Socialist leanings. You can equate the PoW vs PoS block schemes as Socialism vs Capitalism. PoS = rich get richer, poor get poorer. PoW = do the work = $$$$$
How xactly do the Rich not get Richer with Proof-of-Work. They are the 1's with Capital 2 invest heavily in elite mining operations and profit off the Workers who run them. Plz xplain?